Tools Menu: Edit Process Raw File

11.11  Carlson Raw Editor

FUNCTION:  The Carlson Raw Editor routine is used to edit and re-run traverse courses, compute closures, and do traverse adjustments.  The Carlson Raw Editor option uses the raw editor common to other Carlson Software products. 


Activate the Carlson Raw Editor by picking from the Tools menu; by pressing [Alt][T], [E], [A]; or by typing the two-letter command ER at any data entry prompt.


NOTE:  By default, "Sight" Survey uses the Carlson Raw Editor and .RW5 files for Traverse Closure, Deed Check, and adjustments (including adjustments other than Network Least Squares).  The C&G Raw Editor is available for data transfer and Network Least Squares.  If you want to transfer a C&G raw file (.CGR) from your collector and then run a Compass, Crandall, Transit, or No Adjust, you need to download the .CGR file, then open the Carlson Raw Editor and import the C&G file (using Tools > Import Raw Data > C and G).


HINT:  When called from "Sight" Survey, the Raw Editor window is a Primary Focus window.  You cannot access other "Sight" Survey windows or routines while the Raw Editor is active.


In this section we cover:

Record Types and Editing Records

The Carlson Raw Editor routine reads or creates a raw data (.RW5) file that contains various lines of data (records) that could be likened to a surveyor's field book.  You can specify point coordinates, job information, notes, and the angles and distances that make up traverse or sideshots records.  Once the raw data is created or read it can be processed/reduced to coordinates that are stored in the current coordinate (.crd; .cgc; .mdb; .zak) file.


The raw file can also be created or appended using the Enter & Assign (EA - Section 6.01), Traverse (TR - Section 7.09), Sideshot (SS - Section 7.07), and Inverse  (IN - Section 7.01) commands.  To store the data inputs from these commands into a raw file, first toggle on the Raw File Recorder ON/OFF command (RR - Section 3.14) on the File menu. 


It's also possible to enable the raw file storage automatically when you open a new job by checking the Enable Raw Storage option in the lower left corner of the New "Sight" Survey Job dialog.


The raw files created by TDS data collector programs are also compatible without conversion.  Use the C&G Data Transfer program (see Section 11.08) to download the file.  Within the Carlson raw data editor, use Tools > Import Raw Data for converting raw data from other formats.  Available import formats include:

When you select the Carlson Raw Editor command you will also to specify the name of the raw data (.RW5) file.  The current coordinate file is automatically used.  To change the current coordinate file, use the Project File Manager command (FM - see Section 3.13) under the File menu before starting this command.  If no coordinate file is current, the program will prompt you to set the current coordinate (.CRD) file.


Edit-Process Raw > Carlson Raw Editor uses a spreadsheet for editing the raw data as shown.  Each row of the spreadsheet is represented by a number located at the far left side of the editor.  Various messages and reports often reference possible problems with the data by this row number.  Each row of the spreadsheet represents one record of data.  There are 14 types of data records.  The type of data record is shown in the first column.  Different record types use different numbers of columns.  Whenever the data record type changes between rows, a record header is added to the spreadsheet that describes each column of data in the following row.  To edit the raw data, simply highlight the cell and type in the new value.  To change the type of record, pick on the down arrow in the first column and choose a new data type from the list.  To delete a row, highlight any cell in the row and hit the [Delete] key or choose Edit > Delete Row. Records can be added pressing the [Insert] key, pressing the down arrow key from the last line in the spreadsheet, or by choosing one of the record types from the Add menu.


The different record types are described below.



Record Type


Traverse:  The traverse record contains the occupied point number, foresight point number, angle mode, horizontal angle, distance, vertical angle and description.  When processed, this record will calculate and store the coordinates for the foresight point.  Traversing also moves the setup by making the traverse foresight point the next occupied point and the traverse occupied point becomes the next backsight point.  The different angle codes are NE for northeast bearing, SE for southeast, SW for southwest, NW for northwest, AZ for azimuth, AL for angle left, AR for angle right, DL for deflection angle left and DR for deflection angle right.  To set the angle code, pick on the Code down arrow (q) and choose from the list.  The horizontal and vertical angles should be entered as dd.mmss.  For example, 45.2305 is 45 degrees, 23 minutes and 5 seconds.  The vertical angle can be shown as vertical angle (0 degrees level), zenith angle (90 degrees level) or elevation difference.  The vertical angle mode is set in the Display menu.  The distance mode is also set in the Display menu as either slope or horizontal distance.  The description field is used as the foresight point description.



SideShot:  The sideshot record is the same as the traverse record except that sideshot does not move the setup.



BackSight:  The backsight record contains the occupied point number, backsight point number, backsight azimuth and the set azimuth.  This record should precede any traverse and sideshot records that use this setup.  If no backsight point is entered, the program uses the backsight azimuth to turn angles from.  The Set Azimuth is the circle reading of the instrument when sighting the backsight.  A Set Azimuth of zero is the default.



Instrument and Rod Height:  This record sets the instrument and rod heights used in elevation calculations.  This record should precede any traverse and sideshot records that you want the heights applied to.



Point (or Store Point):  The store point record consists of a point number, northing, easting, elevation and description.  When processing, this data will be stored as a point in the coordinate file.  If the first Occupied point and/or the initial Backsight point are not defined in the coordinate file set for processing to, both points will need to be added to the RW5 file as PT (Store Point) records.



Elevation OnlyThis record sets the elevation in the CRD file for the specified point number.  Often used when an existing point with good vertical control is being traversed through.  Using this record type for the point would keep the elevation from changing on the existing point regardless of the measurement data.  NOTE:  This command is not on the Type pull down but may be manually entered into the Type field on a blank record.  If entered manually you must type the command in upper case letters.



GPS:  This record contains the Latitude and Longitude of a point as measured by GPS surveying equipment using Carlson SurvCE data collection software.  This record has additional information tied to it such as localization files, geoid files, coordinate projection systems etc.  This record has its own processing routine in the Process pull down within the editor.  Processing procedures are discussed in the Process (Compute Pts) pull down documentation.



Traverse Name:  This record acts as an identifier for the group of records that make up a traverse.  All the records after the NAME record belong to that traverse up to the next NAME record or the end of the file.  This record allows you to have multiple traverses in one raw file.  When running one of the Process commands, the program will bring up a list of all the traverse names.  Simply choose which traverse to process.  If you have only one traverse in the raw file, then you don't need the NAME record.



Description:  The description record is an additional note that appears in the spreadsheet editor and printouts.  This record can contain various information that is recorded in data collectors during field operations.  This data can vary from user, temperature and general data to each line of data associated with Set Collection.  When "Sets" of data collected using various brands of data collection software is converted/imported into the raw editor, the actual measurements made during the spinning of the angles and distances are recorded as DS records and the mean value of the angle and distance is recorded as a SS record.  DS records are not used in processing.



Azimuth Only:  Applies to SurvNET, the Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.  NOTE:  This command is not on the Type pull down but may be manually entered into the Type field on a blank record.  If entered manually you must type the command in upper case letters.



Control Standard ErrorApplies to SurvNET, the Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.



Set-up Standard Error:  Applies to SurvNET, the Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.



MSE (Measurement Standard Error:  Applies to SurvNET, the Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.



Closing Shot:  The closing shot record is the traverse record where the foresight point is the closing point for the traverse.  This record is used by the adjustment commands in the Process menu.  There should be only one CL record in each Traverse loop (Name Record) in the raw file.  If there is no CL record, the process adjustment routines will prompt for which shot is the closing shot.  The closing shot can also be define in the field by using special codes defined in the Open Settings found under the File pull down within the editor. Please refer to the Open Settings documentation for more information on these codes.


Angle Balance:  The angle balance record is the measurement data observed that closes the angles of the traverse.  Typically this record is the measurement data recorded from the closing shot to the initial backsight point.  The backsight could be either external or internal to the traverse.  The Angle Balance routine in the Process menu uses this record and compares the angle between the occupied point and foresight point of this record with a user-specified reference angle.  There should be only one AB record in the raw file.  If there is no AB record, then the Angle Balance routine will prompt for which shot to use as the angle balance.



Closing Shot and Angle Balance:  This record is used as both the closing shot and angle balance records.



Foresight Direct:  The foresight direct is a traverse record used in a direct and reverse set.  When the program finds one the of direct-reverse measurement records, it will look for the other three records to complete the set.



Foresight Reverse:  The foresight reverse is a traverse record used in a direct and reverse set.



Backsight Direct:  The backsight direct is a traverse record used in a direct and reverse set.



Backsight Reverse:  The backsight reverse is a traverse record used in a direct and reverse set.




Raw Data Editor Menus

View the File menu View the Edit menu View the Display menu View the Add menu View the Process menu View the Tools menu



File Menu

Open RW5 File New RW5 File Save RW5 File Save RW5 As Print Options Exit the Raw Editor



Open RW5 File

This command prompts for a RW5 file to load into the editor.


New RW5 File

This command clears the editor spreadsheet.


Save RW5 File

This saves the RW5 file.  If the file hasn't been named you will be prompted for the file name and the location to save the file.  After you perform the first save, this command acts as a quick save and saves the file to the name and location specified during the initial saving of the file.



Save RW5 As

This command saves the raw editor data in the spreadsheet to a RW5 file and always prompts for file name and location to save.



Print > Raw Data

A sample of the raw data report is shown below.  This report shows the data from the raw editor spreadsheet.

Raw File> c:\data\survey.RW5
CRD File> c:\data\survey.crd
   Survey Example
   PntNo   Northing Easting   Elevation Desc
   1       5000     5000    100       START
   OcPt    BsPt     SetAzi
   InstHgt RodHgt
   5.32    6.0
   OcPt    FsPt     HorzAngle SlopeDist ZenithAng Desc
TR 1       2     AR 268.5330  711.420   89.4050   P2
   InstHgt RodHgt
   5.43    6.0
   OcPt    FsPt     HorzAngle SlopeDist ZenithAng Desc
TR 2       3     AR 262.5448  457.760   89.3236   P3
   InstHgt RodHgt
   5.4     6.0
   OcPt    FsPt     HorzAngle SlopeDist ZenithAng Desc
TR 3       4     AR 208.5710  201.310   89.1803   P4
TR 4       5     AR 247.1657  497.120   88.5235   P5
TR 5       6     AR 277.4835  223.980   90.2926   P6
TR 6       7     AR  92.4113  233.880   90.2746   P7
   InstHgt RodHgt
   5.42    6.0
   OcPt    FsPt     HorzAngle SlopeDist ZenithAng Desc
TR 7       8     AR 261.2756  387.250   91.4405   CLOSE
SS 7       19    AR 289.3456  112.450   91.3423   SS1

Print > Print Settings

This dialog has settings for the report functions.  Left Margin settings are in characters.  Top Margin and Bottom Margin settings are in lines.  At standard line spacing with a Text Size of 12, there are 66 Lines/Page.




Exits the raw file editor.



Edit Menu
Edit Find Edit Replace Edit Cut Edit Copy Edit Paste Delete Row Modify Measurements




This command allows you to search and find a particular word, letter, numeric value or a combination of all.  Letter case does not matter.





This command allows you to search and replace a particular word, letter, numeric value, of a combination of all.  Letter case does not matter.  It also provides further options to Replace individual items one at a time or to Replace All.




This is a standard windows cut command. It removes data from editor and places it in the windows clipboard.



This is a standard windows copy command. It copies selected data to windows clipboard.




This is a standard windows copy command. It inserts cut or copied data from the windows clipboard.



Delete Row

This command deletes the row containing the active cursor or cell.  You can delete a row by placing the cursor in any of the cells in the row that you wish to delete, or by picking on the row number at the far left of the editor.


WARNING!  You may also delete a row by placing the cursor in the row and pressing [Delete].  Use caution!   There is no Undo command.  To delete the contents of a single cell, select the contents before pressing [Delete].


Modify Measurements

This option allows for a change in distance, horizontal angle or vertical angle by a specified amount for the entire file or for a specified point number or line number range.  To modify a measurement, choose which field to modify and enter the change in either distance or angle in dd.mmss format.  Next choose how to apply the modification.  If All is selected, the change will be applied to all records in the specified field.  If By Point Number is chosen, enter the point number or range of numbers in the Range of Points field.  If By Line Number is chosen, then define the area for the change by specifying the Start and End line.




Display Menu
Display Angles Display Vertical Display Distance



This option chooses the angle format between Degrees/Minutes/Seconds (ddd.mmss) and Gons-400 Circle (ddd.dddd).  This setting applies to the angles in the spreadsheet editor as well as the angle format for reports.





The options contained in this menu allow for specifying the type of vertical measurement information you will input or is contained in the RW5 file.  The Vertical Angle selection assumes the barrel or scope of the instrument is level when reading  0 (zero).  With this setting, the vertical component of a measurement record will have a header of VertAng.  The Zenith Angle selection, most commonly used, assumes the barrel/scope to be level when reading 90.  Using this setting results in a header of ZenithAng.  Elevation difference displays the elevation difference between the occupied and foresight points.  If the Distance option is specified as Slope, this elevation difference will be used to calculate the horizontal distance of the measurement.  The header for this record is ElevDiff.  The None selection assumes all distances are horizontal distances and removes the vertical component for a measurement from the editor.  Switching modes can be performed at any time.





This option controls the display of either Slope or Horizontal Distances.  Changing the display results in the distance data adjusting to reflect the correct value for the selection made.  The vertical data: VertAng; ZenithAng; or VertDiff is used to convert the distance value when changing this display option.




 Add Menu
Add Traverse Record Add Sideshot Record Add BackSight Record Add Instrument Height Record Add Point Record Add Elevation Record Add GPS Record Add Traverse Name Add Note Record Add Reference Azimuth Add Control Standard Error Add Setup Standard Error Add Measurement Standard Error




Adds a traverse record (TR) to the spreadsheet editor.  The new record will be insert above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.



Adds a sideshot record (SS) to the spreadsheet editor.  The new record will be inserted above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.



Adds a backsight (BK) to the spreadsheet editor.  The new record will be inserted above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.


Instrument Height

Adds an instrument height (HI) record to the editor.  This record contains both the instrument and rod height setting.  The new record will be inserted above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.



Adds a point (PT) record to the editor.  Inserting a blank record allows for manual input to define the coordinates for the point. The new record will be inserted above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.



Adds an elevation (EL) record to the editor. The new record will be insert above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.




Adds a GPS record to the editor.  The new record will be insert above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.


Traverse Name

Adds a traverse name (Name) to the editor.  The new record will be insert above the row that contains the active cell unless this row is the last row in the file.  If so, you will be prompted to insert above or below the current row.




Adds a note (DS) record to the editor.  Note records are for information display and do not effect processing except for two special notes which are:

Elevation: 2D
Elevation: 3D

These special notes set the elevation mode for processing for the records that follow the note.  The raw editor starts in 3D mode.  The Elevation: 2D note will switch processing to 2D mode and the Elevation: 3D note will switch the mode back to 3D.  In 2D mode, the processing will not set the elevations in the coordinate file.


Reference Azimuth

This record applies to SurvNET, the optional Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.


Control Standard Error

This record applies to SurvNET, the optional Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.



Setup Standard Error

This record applies to SurvNET, the optional Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.



Measurement Standard Error

This record applies to SurvNET, the optional Network Least Squares analysis and adjustment routine.




Process (Compute Pts) Menu
This menu contains tools to process raw data by various methods.  The calculated coordinates are stored to the active specified coordinate file.  The options for processing are specified within either the Process Options dialog box or the Closure Options dialog box.  This dialog box is displayed before processing data, using any of the available methods, with the exception being the Least Squares method.

No Adjust Angle Balance Compass Rule Adjust Crandall Rule Adjust Transit Rule Adjust Least Squares Adjust Process GPS Process Settings



No Adjust

No Adjust means that no angle balance or traverse adjustment will be applied.  Options are specified in the Process Options dialog.



After picking [OK] on the process options dialog, a Traverse Points dialog appears for entering the starting and ending point numbers. 



The program reads the raw file to set the defaults for these point numbers which are used to calculate the closure.  The difference between the ending point and the reference closing point is the closure error and the sum of the traverse distances from the starting to the ending point is used as the total distance traversed.  After picking [OK] for the second dialog, the program starts processing the raw file from the top record down.  The result is displayed in the Standard Report Viewer which can save, print or draw the report.



Angle Balance

This process method applies an angle balance to the traverse lines when calculating the coordinates.  Options are specified in the Process Options dialog.



The angle balance takes the angular error divided by the number of traverse lines and adjusts the angle of each traverse line by this amount.  The angular error is the difference between the angle balance shot and a reference angle.  The angle balance shot is specified as a type AB or CL+AB record in the raw file.  If no AB record is found in the raw file, then the program will prompt for which traverse shot to use as the angle balance shot.  The angle from the angle balance shot is calculated as the angle from the occupied point to the foresight point.  The reference angle can be specified as a bearing, azimuth or by two point numbers in the dialog shown.



The angle balance report shows the unadjusted points, the unadjusted closure, the angular error, the adjusted points and then the adjusted closure. Typically but not always, applying the angle balance correction will improve the traverse closure.



Compass, Crandall, Transit

These process methods apply the selected rule to the traverse lines when calculating the coordinates.  After adjusting the traverse, the sideshots are also recalculated.  The closure error is calculated as the difference between the closing shot and a reference point.  The closing shot is specified as a type CL or CL+AB record in the raw file.  If no CL record is found in the raw file, then the program will prompt for which traverse shot to use as the closing shot.  The foresight point is used as the closing coordinate.  The reference point can be specified by point number or by entering the northing, easting and elevation.  The process results report shows the unadjusted points, closure error, adjustments to each traverse point and adjusted point. 

Options are specified in the Closure Options dialog.



Specify the closing Point # or enter North, East, and (optional) Elevation coordinates.  After picking [OK] on the process options dialog, a Traverse Points dialog appears for entering the starting and ending point numbers. 



The program reads the raw file to set the defaults for these point numbers which are used to calculate the closure.  The difference between the ending point and the reference closing point is the closure error and the sum of the traverse distances from the starting to the ending point is used as the total distance traversed.  After picking [OK] for the second dialog, the program starts processing the raw file from the top record down.  The result is displayed in the Standard Report Viewer which can save, print or draw the report.



Least Squares

This Least Squares routine is simpler least squares adjustment, not SurvNET which is a robust network least squares adjustment routine.  If you want to use the features from SurvNET, close the editor and select Tools > Network Least Squares from the "Sight" Survey menus, then load your RW5 file into SurvNET.  See Section 11.12 for SurvNET instructions.


From the raw file data, this routine makes initial calculations for the coordinate points in the traverse.  The constraints of the routine are: all angle readings must be in angle right mode; and the coordinates of the starting and the ending points must be known.


The routine begins with a dialog for specifying the reference closing coordinates and any scale factors to apply to the distance measurements.  The Reference Closing Point is the last point in the traverse, whose coordinates must be known. 



Specify the closing Point # or enter North, East, and (optional) Elevation coordinates.  After picking [OK] on the process options dialog, a Traverse Points dialog appears for entering the starting and ending point numbers. 



This routine applies a least-squares adjustment to the data stored in the .RW5 file.  The closing errors are distributed among the other points, using the "Method of Least Squares" (Ref : Wolf, P.R. and Ghilani, C.D., 1996, "Adjustment Computations", John Wiley and Sons, NY,Third Edition).  After the adjustment, the rest of the raw file is processed to recalculate the sideshots.

The least squares process report shows the input data and the results.  For each point, the amount adjusted and the standard error in X and Y are reported.  The Reference Standard Deviation is based on the sum of the residuals and the initial estimated standard errors.  The Chi-Squares test is a goodness-of-fit test that checks the reference standard deviation with the least-squares model.  If this test fails, there may be a blunder in the measurement data or the initial estimated standard errors were too low or too high.




The process GPS routine allows for reduction of GPS records that reside in a raw (*.RW5) file from latitude, longitude and WGS84 Ellipsoid Height to State Plane or local coordinates.  When selected, the GPS Settings dialog will appear as shown below. 

Projection Type
This setting defines the datum coordinate system to be used for converting the Latitude, Longitude and WGS84 Ellipsoid height collected from the GPS receiver into Cartesian coordinates.  The supported projection types are:  State Plane 83; State Plane 27; and UTM.



For State Plane projections, you must select the correct state zone that you are working in.  For UTM, the Automatic Zone option will have the program automatically user the program automatically use the correct UTM zone for your location.  Otherwise for UTM, you can manually set a specific UTM zone.  This manual option applies to working on the border between zones and you want to force the program to always use one of those zones.


The transformation in SurvCE's Align Local Coordinates command can either be by plane similarity or rigid body methods.  The difference is that the rigid body method does a transformation with a translation and rotation and without a scale.  The plane similarity does a rotation, translation and scale. This option only applies when two or more points are used in Align Local Coordinates or the Localization routine in SurvCE.

One Point Alignment Azimuth

This option applies to the rotation when using one point in Align Local Coordinates or the Localization routine in SurvCE.  For this alignment method, the state plane coordinate is translated to the local coordinate.  Then the rotation can use either the state plane grid or the geodetic as North.  No scale is applied in this transformation.  The state plane and geodetic true north diverge slightly in the east and west edges of the state plane zone.  This option allows you to choose which north to use: Geodetic; or State Plane Grid.

Geoid to Apply

The supported geoids include: 

This option will account for the geoid undulation in determining the orthometric elevation of the measurement.  The definition of the geoid model as currently adopted by the national Geodetic survey is the equipotential surface of the Earth's gravity field which best fits, in a least squares sense, global mean sea level.  Orthometric elevation measurements are used in survey calculations.  In order to convert ellipsoid heights (He) as measured by GPS into orthometric elevations (E0), you must provide for a correction between the GPS-measured ellipsoid (reference ellipsoid) and a constant level gravitational surface, the geoid.  This corrections is the geoid undulation (Ug).  The formula is He=Eo + Ug.

Carlson applies the Geoid model by subtracting the Geoid undulation from the GPS elevation.  The resulting elevation is then used and displayed.  In practice, the Geoid model is most applicable to two types of alignment scenarios.  One of these types is when setting up the base over a know point and having no alignment control points.  The other is when there is one alignment control point.  When using multiple alignment control points, the Geoid model is not as important because Carlson can model the elevation difference which can generally pick up the local Geoid undulation.


Coordinates can be reduced into one of three available units: Metric; US Feet; or International Feet.

Scale Factor

For most applications, the Scale Factor should be set to 1.0.  The scale factor represents the “combined” grid/elevation factor that reduces ground distances to grid.  After converting the LAT/LONG from the GPS records to state plane coordinates and applying the coordinate alignment (Localization) file, the Scale Factor is applied as the final adjustment to the coordinates.  This adjustment is used on the X, Y, and not the Z.  The Scale Factor is applied by dividing the distance between the coordinate and a base point by the Scale Factor.  The coordinate is then set by starting from the base point and moving in the direction to the coordinate for the adjusted distance.  The base point is the first point in the alignment (Localization) file.  If there are no points specified in the alignment file, then 0,0 is used as the base point.  If using an alignment file (Localization File) this value will be automatically calculated and displayed.  Manual entry of a scale factor is also permitted.

Use Alignment File For Localization

After selecting [OK] in the Process Options dialog, the Alignment File dialog is displayed.



This file is typically created by SurvCE (Carlson's Data Collection System) using the Localization routine or by Carlson Field Using the Align to Local Coordinates routine. This file (*.DAT) contains the parameters to transform the derived State Plane coordinates to the defined local coordinates.  If you select [Yes] you will be asked to select the alignment file using a standard Windows file selection dialog.


At the end of the process, the coordinates will be written to the current coordinate file and a report will be presented in the Carlson editor for saving or printing purposes.


Process Settings

This option allows for the setting of user preferences and tolerances to be used during processing and generation of reports.


Direct-Reverse Vertical Angles

This option determines how to handle direct-reverse vertical angle measurements when processing.  Balance Direct-Reverse will take the mean of the direct-reverse measurements and use this value when processing the file.  Direct Only will only use the direct measurement to the point for processing.

Foresight-Backsight Measurements

Balance Foresight-Backsight allows for averaging in the foresight and backsight measurements when using direct-reverse sets.  The Direct Foresight Only option will average the foresight measurements only of a direct-reverse set.

Direct-Reverse Angle Tolerance (Seconds)

This is the tolerance that the angle measured by the direct measurements and the angle measured by the reverse measurements in a direct-reverse set must fall within.


Direct-Reverse Distance Tolerance

This setting allows for user input of desired tolerance values for multiple measurements.  Exceeded tolerances will be displayed on the process results report.  The residual values of the measurements will be shown on the process results report.  The data to be averaged can be either the Distance Measurements or the Coordinates.




Tools Menu
Import Raw Data Export Raw Data Direct - Reverse Report Reduce Direct - Reverse



These routines convert raw data from other formats into the current Carlson RW5 format. The converted raw data will be added to the end of any existing data in the editor. In many cases, the raw data file to import can be downloaded directly from the data collector or instrument using the Data Collectors command. The following supported formats (along with their standard file extension) are listed here.



These routines convert the Carlson raw data (.RW5) file to other formats. The following file formats are supported.




Direct-Reverse Report

This routine creates a report of direct and reverse shots along with the resulting averaged shots.  Any tolerance specified in the Process Settings>Direct-Reverse Settings section, that is exceeded will be displayed in this report.  The residuals are the difference between the measurement and the final average. 


Reduce Direct-Reverse

This routine processes the direct and reverse shots and simplifies the raw file by replacing the sets of direct and reverse shots with the resulting average traverse record.



Format of the raw data (.RW5) file

The Carlson raw data format is a comma delimited ASCII file containing record types, headers, recorded data and comments. The format is based on the RW5 raw data specification, with the exception of angle sets. Angle sets are recorded as BD, BR, FD and FR records to allow reduction of all possible combinations. Essentially, these records are identical to a sideshot record.

Backsight Record
Record type: BK
Field headers:


Occupy Point


Back Point




Back Circle


Line of Sight Record
Record type: LS
Field headers:


Height of Instrument


Height of Rod*

*GPS heights may be recorded to phase center or ARP depending on GPS make.

Occupy Record
Record type: OC
Field headers:


Point Name


Northing (the header is N space)


Easting (the header is E space)





OC,OP1,N 5000.00000,E 5000.00000,EL100.000,--CP

Store Point Record
Record type: SP
Field headers:


Point Name









SP,PN100,N 5002.0000,E 5000.0000,EL100.0000,--PP

Traverse / Sideshot Record / Backsight Direct / Backsight Reverse / Foresight Direct / Foresight Reverse
Record type: TR / SS / BD / BR / FD / FR
Field headers:


Occupy Point


Foresight Point


(one of the following)














(one of the following)




Vertical angle


Change Elevation


(one of the following)


Slope Distance


Horizontal Distance

--, Note

Record type: GPS
Field headers:


Point Name


Latitude (WGS84)


Longitude (WGS84,negative for West)


Ellipsoid elevation in meters*



*GPS heights may be recorded to phase center or ARP depending on GPS make.
P /Brass Disk


Alphabetical listing of Record Types


Backsight Direct




Backsight Reverse


Foresight Direct


Foresight Reverse


GPS Position in Lat (dd.mmss) Lon (dd.mmss - Negative for West) and WGS84 Ellipsoid Elevation in meters


Alphabetical listing of Field Headers


Azimuth Direction ( 0 for North,1 for South)








Back Circle


Back Point


Bearing (this field will be recorded as N123.4500W)


Backsight (when back point is not defined)


Change Elevation






Local Date (MM-DD-YYYY)


Easting (the header is E space)


Earth Curvature (0 for off,  1 for on)


Elevation (GPS value is ellipsoid elevation in meters)


EDM Offset


Foresight Elevation


Foresight Point


Horizontal Distance


Height of Instrument


Height of Rod






Northing (the header is N space)


Occupy Point Coordinates


Occupy Point


Point Name


Slope Distance


Scale Factor


Local Time (HH:MM:SS)


Distance Unit (0 for feet, 1 for meter, 2 for US feet)


Vertical Angle






Traverse Examples


This first example is a closed traverse with an internal backsight of azimuth 178° 00' 42"



Use the functions under the Add menu to create and fill out the raw file as shown here.



Notice that the record from point 7 to 8 is set as a CL+AB record. This tells the program that point 8 is the closing point and that the angle from 7 to 8 is the closing angle.  For traverse adjustment, the closing reference point is 1 and the closure error is the difference between point 1 and point 8.  For angle balance, the reference closing angle is 358° 00' 42" (178° 0' 42" + 180°).  The angle balance error is the difference between this reference angle and the angle from points 7 to 8.


Now let's process using Compass adjustment with Angle Balance.  Choose Compass under the Process menu and fill out the dialogs as shown.







Process report:

Process Results 05/23/2002 10:06
Raw file> 
CRD file> C:/Program Files/Simplicity Sight Survey 2009/xporttmp.crd
Scale Factor: 1.00000000
Correct for Earth Curvature: OFF
Starting Point 1: N 5000.00 E 5000.00 Z 100.00
BackSight Azimuth: 178°00'42"
Point Horizontal  Zenith   Slope   Inst  Rod   Northing   Easting   Elev
No.   Angle       Angle    Dist    HT    HT
2     AR268.5330  89.4050  711.32  5.32  6.00  5038.43    5710.27   103.29
3     AR262.5448  89.3236  457.76  5.43  6.00  4587.89    5791.20   106.36
4     AR208.5710  89.1803  201.31  5.40  6.00  4397.30    5726.43   108.22
5     AR247.1657  88.5235  497.12  5.40  6.00  4363.08    5230.59   117.37
19    AR289.3456  91.4405  112.45  5.40  6.00  4471.32    5260.88   113.36
6     AR277.4835  90.2926  223.98  5.40  6.00  4586.54    5245.67   114.85
7      AR92.4143  90.2746  233.88  5.40  6.00  4613.25    5013.33   112.36
8     AR261.2756  91.4405  387.25  5.42  6.00  5000.09    4999.97   100.06
Closure Results (Before Angle Balance)
Starting Point 1: N 5000.00 E 5000.00 Z 100.00
Closing Reference Point 1: N 5000.00 E 5000.00 Z 100.00
Ending Point 8: N 5000.09 E 4999.97 Z 100.06
Azimuth Error : 341°38'22"
North Error   : 0.09061
East Error    : -0.03007
Vertical Error: 0.05953
Hz Dist Error : 0.09547
Sl Dist Error : 0.11251
Traverse Lines> 7
SideShots> 1
Horiz Dist Traversed: 2712.29
Slope Dist Traversed: 2712.62
Closure Precision: 1 in 28409


Compass Closure
Adjusted Point Comparison
       Original           Adjusted
Point# Northing  Easting  Northing  Easting   Dist  Bearing
2      5038.445  5710.269 5038.440  5710.294  0.025 S 79°46'08" E
3      4587.914  5791.222 4587.907  5791.263  0.042 S 79°46'08" E
4      4397.319  5726.469 4397.310  5726.517  0.049 S 79°46'08" E
5      4363.044  5230.628 4363.032  5230.693  0.067 S 79°46'08" E
6      4586.509  5245.681 4586.496  5245.755  0.075 S 79°46'08" E
7      4613.178  5013.335 4613.163  5013.416  0.083 S 79°46'08" E
8      5000.017  4999.905 5000.000  5000.000  0.097 S 79°46'08" E
Max adjustment: 0.097
Starting Point 1: N 5000.00 E 5000.00 Z 100.00
BackSight Azimuth: 178°00'42"
Point Horizontal Zenith  Slope  Inst Rod  Northing  Easting  Elev
No.   Angle      Angle   Dist   HT   HT
2     AR268.5326 89.4050 711.34 5.32 6.00 5038.44   5710.29  103.29
3     AR262.5434 89.3236 457.76 5.43 6.00 4587.91   5791.26  106.36
4     AR208.5704 89.1803 201.30 5.40 6.00 4397.31   5726.52  108.22
5     AR247.1657 88.5235 497.09 5.40 6.00 4363.03   5230.69  117.37
19    AR289.3456 91.4405 112.47 5.40 6.00 4471.28   5260.97  113.36
6     AR277.4839 90.2926 223.99 5.40 6.00 4586.50   5245.75  114.85
7      AR92.4130 90.2746 233.88 5.40 6.00 4613.16   5013.42  112.36
8     AR261.2758 91.4405 387.27 5.42 6.00 5000.00   5000.00  100.06

Shown above is the resulting process report. The angle balance had an error of 39 seconds which was divided among the 7 traverse sides.  The Compass Closure shows how each traverse point was adjusted and then the resulting adjusted angles and distances.



Here is another layout of the last example that shows an external backsight setup. In this case there are two known points. Point 1 is the starting point and point 21 is the initial backsight. The setup could also use a backsight azimuth (ie north azimuth for example) instead of a backsight point number.



The closing record setup has changed from the last example. In this example, the shot from 7 to 8 is the closing shot with point 8 as the closing point. The closing reference point is still point 1. The angle balance shot is from 8 to 9 and the reference angle is from 1 to 21.


Example of an open traverse


The traverse starts from the known point 1 and ends at the known point 14. In this case there is no angle balance shot. The closing shot is from 3 to 4 with point 4 being the closing point. Point 14 is the closing reference point.


The closing record setup has changed from the last example. In this example, the shot from 7 to 8 is the closing shot with point 8 as the closing point. The closing reference point is still point 1. The angle balance shot is from 8 to 9 and the reference angle is from 1 to 21.


Here is an example of an open traverse.


Compass Report from Open Traverse example:

Process Results
Raw file> d:/scdev/data/tsurvey.RW5
CRD file> d:/scdev/data/tsurvey.crd
Compass Closure
Adjusted Point Comparison
       Original         Adjusted
Point# Northing Easting Northing Easting Distance Bearing
2      5013.76  5711.18 5013.78  5711.13 0.047    N 63d21'19" W
3      4560.69  5776.42 4560.72  5776.35 0.078    N 63d21'19" W
4      4372.46  5705.08 4372.50  5705.00 0.091    N 63d21'19" W
Point Horizontal Vertical Slope  Inst Rod Northing Easting Elev
No.   Angle      Angle    Dist   HT   HT

2     AR133.5324 89.4050  711.27 5.32 6.00 5013.78 5711.13 103.29
3     AR262.5506 89.3236  457.74 5.43 6.00 4560.72 5776.35 106.36
4     AR208.5712 89.1803  201.30 5.40 6.00 4372.50 5705.00 108.22

The traverse starts from the known point 1 and ends at the known point 14. In this case there is no angle balance shot. The closing shot is from 3 to 4 with point 4 being the closing point. Point 14 is the closing reference point.