ESRI to Office to Field and Back

This lesson takes an ESRI geodatabase from ArcView into Carlson GIS and then to Carlson SurvCE for data collection. Next the data is taken from SurvCE into Carlson Survey and processed by Carlson GIS back into ArcView.

  1. ArcGIS Desktop has a routine to output a geodatabase to a DWG file. The DWG file contains all the information in a single file. It has the graphic geometry, feature definitions and feature attribute data. The feature information is stored in a format defined by ESRI called Mapping Specification for DWG (MSD) using standard DWG entities and dictionary entries. In this tutorial, we're going to use ArcView 10.x to create the DWG with MSD. Launch ArcView (sold separately) and open a desired project. In this case, we are illustrating an Esri-supplied tutorial geodatabase:
    Open ArcView
    If not already open, launch the ArcToolbox as illustrated above. Issue the ArcToolbox -- Conversion Tools -- To CAD -- Export To CAD as illustrated below:
    Export to CAD
    The next task will be to select the features to export in the Export To CAD dialog box. To select a feature, click the Input Features drop-down list (as illustrated below) and pick a desired feature from the list:
    Selected Features
    Set the remaining fields as desired including a desired DWG version (Carlson currently suggests the AutoCAD 2010 format for SurvCE users) and a path/filename for the DWG. Click OK when ready.
  2. Click the Windows desktop icon for Carlson to start the program. Browse/navigate to the default folder location of C:\Carlson Projects and open the DWG file you just exported from ArcView
  3. Activate the GIS menu via Settings -- Carlson Menus -- GIS Menu. Your drawing should resemble that shown below (CAD formatting applied for clarity):
    Initial DWG
    Next, run GIS Data -- GIS Database Settings to display a dialog box similar to that shown below:
    GIS Settings
    Set the values as shown above and click OK when ready.
  4. Now that we have a GIS "container" for the various GIS features, let's populate the container. Issue the GIS Data -- Define GIS Features command to display a dialog box similar to that shown below:
    Define GIS Features
    Issue its File -- Import From -- ESRI Map Specs for CAD (MSC) command which should populate the dialog box with the various fields of data as defined by the geodatabase. Dismiss the dialog box via its File -- Save command followed by its File -- Exit command.
  5. To verify that the GIS attribute data is in the drawing, issue the GIS -- GIS Data Editor and pick on an entity in the drawing (in this case, a Control point). The attribute data is shown in a spreadsheet editor (click OK when ready):
    GIS Data Editor
    NOTE: Some graphical features may not have associated GIS data!
  6. Now that we have data available, let's package it up for Carlson SurvCE. Issue the GIS Data -- Export GIS Data -- Export GIS Data to SurvCE. You may be prompted:
    Coordinate File to Process
    Set the filename as shown above and click Open when ready to display a dialog box similar to that shown below:
    Export GIS Data to SurvCE
    This command takes selected data from the drawing and creates the GIS files that SurvCE uses. Set the values as shown above and click OK when ready. When prompted:

    Select entities to export.
    [FILter]/<Select entities>: type ALL and press Enter
    [FILter]/<Select entities>: press Enter

    For a brief summary on the files and content cited above:

    For input files: For Output files:
    The program will read the GIS data from the selected entities to create the SurvCE GIS data file (.vtt) for SurvCE.
  7. Let's confirm we have point coordinates for SurvCE. Issue the Points -- List Points command to display a dialog box similar to that shown below:
    List Points
    Set the values as shown above and click OK when ready to display the results in the Standard Report Viewer as is illustrated below:
    List Points 2
    Review the list and click the Exit (Doorway) button to dismiss the report.
  8. Now that the project data is converted to SurvCE format, upload/copy the following files on to the SurvCE collector: NOTE:If you have SurvCE 2.5 or later, then you can also use the DWG file format for the drawing. For earlier versions, use the DXF format.
  9. With the data on the SurvCE collector, let's see what the process should look like. Launch SurvCE and open the Coordinate File generated earlier. You may get prompted for a coordinate system projection. It is often advisable to keep the projection systems consistent between the applications as illustrated below:
    Coordinate System Summary
    Application Where to Find Example
    ArcView View -- Data Frame Properties -- Coordinate System ArcView Coordiante System
    Carlson GIS/Survey Settings -- Drawing Setup Carlson GIS Coordinate System
    Carlson SurvCE/SurvPC File -- Job Settings -- System tab SurvCE Coordinate System
    Let's also explore the SurvCE Feature Code List (button #5 on the Main Menu -- File tab) to display a dialog box similar to that shown below:
    SurvCE Feature Code List
    NOTE: If not previously available in the source Field-to-Finish Table (*.FLD) file as specified in the Export GIS Data to SurvCE command above, it would be advisable to Add the code(s) to the SurvCE Feature Code Library as illustrated below:
    Add SurvCE Feature Code
    When defined, the associated attributes will be available and presented to the user when the collect a shot using the cited code:
    SurvCE Feature Code Attributes
    Collect/measure data in the field with SurvCE using conventional data gathering procedures. It is suggested that new features be coded at a point number range in excess of the existing point numbers to prevent confusion.
  10. With data collected in the field, let's prepare it for its return trip. Migrate the following files from the data collector/controller of SurvCE back to the desktop computer: Re-launch the Carlson Survey desktop CAD application and then issue the Points -- Set Coordinate File to set the coordinate file from SurvCE as current as illustrated below:
    Set Coordinate File
    Activate the Survey menu via Settings -- Carlson Menus -- Survey Menu. Issue the Survey -- Draw Field-to-Finish command and make note of the highlighted values illustrated below (as brought over from SurvCE):
    Draw Field-to-Finish
    Click OK when ready to place the updated information into the drawing.
  11. Activate the GIS menu via Settings -- Carlson Menus -- GIS Menu. Issue the the GIS Data -- Import GIS Data from SurvCE command and when prompted:
    Specify GIS Feature Definition File
    Select the *.GIS file that had been placed onto the collector (and possibly modified in the field) and click Open when ready. The DWG entities are packaged into an Esri MSC format. Save and exit from the DWG file.
  12. With the DWG saved, re-run ArcView and load the original project. Issue the File -- Add Data -- Add Data command as illustrated below:
    ArcView Add Data
    It might be generally easier to indicate the folder path where the DWG file is stored as illustrated below (click Add when ready):
    ArcView Add Data 2
    Select the DWG file that was saved earlier and click on the Add button when ready: ArcView Add Data 3
    The data is added to the ArcView project as illustrated below:
    Completed Project

This completes the tutorial: ESRI to Office to Field and Back.

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