File Menu: Import

3.09  Coordinate File


FUNCTION:  The Import > Coordinate File routine is used to incorporate a non-ASCII formatted coordinate file into the current job file.  Available formats include: Carlson Numeric (the default format); Carlson Alpha-numeric; C&G Numeric; C&G Alpha-numeric; Simplicity "Sight" Survey 3 files; and Land Desktop Development files.


Activate the Import > Coordinate File routine by picking from the File: Import menu; or by pressing [Alt][F], [I], [C].


CAUTION:  When importing into an existing job, it is strongly recommended that you save your existing data before importing new data.  Then, if something should go wrong during the import (e.g. wrong file, points accidentally overwritten, etc.) you should exit "Sight" Survey WITHOUT saving the job and drawing files.


Select Point Overwrite ProtectionSet Overwrite TolerancesSelect Points to ImportRenumber Imported PointsSelect the file to importCancel this routineHelp for this routineEnter Prefix and/or Suffix for point namesImport points to specific layersSelect to draw points after importing


Point Overwrite Protection:  Click the radio button () on any one of the three options.  Select No Point Overwrite Protection to import the point file and overwrite any point in memory that has the same point number as an imported point.  Select Renumber Duplicates & Place at the End of the File to automatically renumber any duplicate point and place it at the end of the file.  Select Prompt for Instruction at each Duplicate Point to stop at each duplicate and let you decide what to do with the point. 



  1. Checks to see if the point number exists in memory.  If not, the point is imported.

  2. If the point exists, checks the coordinates and elevations of the imported point.  If they are within the tolerances (see below) and the point descriptions are identical, the point being imported is the same as one in memory so it is ignored and not imported.

  3. If the coordinates and/or elevation and/or descriptions do not match, the point is identified as a duplicate and either: renumbered and added to the end of the points in memory; or you are prompted for instructions of how to handle the point.



Tolerances:  Enter values for Positional (X & Y) tolerance and Elevation (Z) tolerance.  These values are used to determine duplicate points.  For example, if the difference between the imported Northing and the existing Northing are less than the tolerance value, the Northings are considered to be the same.  If that same condition exists with the Eastings and elevations, the points would be duplicates.  As you bring data out to the field and back into the office via a data collector, you may end up with points where the Northings and Eastings match but the elevations are different as in the case of a ground shot vs. an as-built shot.  However, these points might also inadvertently share the same point number and you may want to keep them both.  The fact that the elevations do not match within the specified tolerance will insure that this point (when imported) is flagged as a duplicate and you will be able to assign a new number to it, thus preserving the data for both points.



Import Points:  Click the radio button () on any one of the three options.  You may import All Points in the File; import All Points Except (specified) Numbers; or import Only Point Numbers specified.  If you select either options two or three, in the corresponding field you must enter the subject point numbers using the Rules for Defined Figures and Point Strings as found in Section 6.20



Renumber Imported Points:  There may be times when you wish to renumber the imported points so they will not conflict with points which may be contained in the current file.  If that is the case, select the option to Renumber Imported Points starting at Point Number and enter the new starting point number into the adjacent text entry field.


HINT:  Prior to importing points, you should run the Blank Point Scan (BP - Section 6.13) to assist you in determining a safe starting point for renumbering.



Prefix to Give Points and Suffix to Give Points.  Two additional fields are available when importing files.  Use these fields to essentially turn numeric points into alpha-numeric points by prepending and/or appending text to the point numbers.  (DO NOT use these fields if you are not working in an alpha-numeric format.)  You may use any characters as a prefix or suffix.  Note that you may also prepend or append numerals to the point numbers, similar to renumbering.  If you have chosen to renumber the points, all renumbering will be done prior to attaching a prefix or suffix.


HINT:  Do not use the Prefix and Suffix fields if you are not working in an alpha-numeric format.



Draw Points:  Select the Draw Points option to immediately draw the imported points after the file is loaded.  Points are drawn using the configuration settings under Point Configuration (PC - Section 5.08).



Assign Points to Layer:  When importing a file, you can assign a layer or level for the imported points.  Your choices are: Default (does not assign points to a layer); By Description (creates layers/levels from point descriptions and assigns the point to that layer/level); or Enter Layer.  If you select Enter Layer, press [q] to select a layer/level from the list provided or type in the name of a layer/level to be created.


NOTE:  If you assign layers during file import then later run Field-to-Finish, your point layers will be reset according to the field definition file used by Field-to-Finish.



[Import]:  Click this button to select data file to import.



[Select File & Type]:  This button displays a dialog box allowing you to select an existing file for import.


Currently Selected FolderGo to Last Folder VisitedUp One LevelChange the ViewRecently Viewed ItemsShow all Desktop ItemsShow Documents FolderShow all Drives & Hardware for this ComputerFolders in the Current FolderFiles in the Current FolderEnter a File Name here or choose from the list aboveSelect the File Type hereReturn the File Name to the Main dialogCancel and return to the Main dialogCreate New Folder


Use the standard Windows dialog box to select a folder location.  Left-click on an existing file to import the file.  Also choose a file type using the Files of type field.  When you have completed your selections, click [Open] to import the file.




Point Overwrite Protection 

If you are using Point Protection and "Sight" Survey finds a duplicate point, you are presented with an option dialog screen.


Info area displays existing & imported point dataCheck to apply your choice to all remaining duplicatesSkip (do not import) the pointOverwrite existing point with new dataAutomatically renumber the point to the end of the fileManually assign a new point numberCancel the entire import from this point onHelp for this routinePrint the action taken to the Text Output windowProcess the duplicate point and continueHelp for this routine


You will be shown the old and new point data, and given options to:

  Auto Renumber:  Automatically assigns a new number to the imported point.

  Manual Renumber:  You must supply a new number to assign to the imported point.  You may enter a plus (+) to assign the point to the next available number.

  Overwrite:  Replace the old point with the imported point.

  Discard Duplicate:  Do not import the duplicate point.


Two additional checkbox options are shown on this screen:

Apply Action to All Duplicates Found:  If you check this box prior to selecting Discard, Overwrite, or Auto Renumber, your choice will be applied to all the remaining points as they import.

Report Action to Text Output Window:  All actions for renumbered, overwritten and skipped points are written into the Text Output window.  This is particularly useful if you are renumbering imported points.


You may also Cancel the import.  Any points imported up to the time of cancellation are retained in memory.