Polyline to Centerline File

This command writes a centerline (.CL) file from a polyline in the direction the polyline was drawn. The Northing and Easting for each vertex of the polyline is written to the centerline file and each arc in the polyline becomes a circular curve. After selecting the polyline, the program shows the direction by drawing temporary arrows along the polyline. To reverse the direction of the polyline, there is a keyword option R for Reverse at the Command line. Also, the Reverse Polyline command can be used to switch the direction of a polyline.

For stationing the centerline, there is a Command line prompt for entering the station at the beginning of the polyline and then using the polyline segment lengths for the rest of the centerline stations. Alternatively, there is a keyword option E for Ending to specify the station at the end of the polyline and then back calculating the centerline stations to the beginning using the polyline lengths.

In addition to being used as roadway/corridor "baselines," a .CL file can also be used as the horizontal control for a Template Point Centerline.

Note: To convert lines and/or arcs into a polyline, use the Entities to Polylines command or the Join Nearest command


Centerline file to Write dialog Enter the .CL file name to create
Centerline station [Reverse/Ending/<Beginning: 0+00>]: Press Enter to accept the default station value specified or Type in the beginning station then press Enter
Select polyline that represents centerline: Pick the polyline that represents your centerline

Pulldown Menu Location(s): Civil > Centerline, Survey > Centerline, Field > Roads
Keyboard Command: clpline
Prerequisite: A polyline drawn in the direction of increasing station values.