Draw Trench Network (Centerline)

This command allows you to draw a branch of the trench network structure as a centerline. There has to be a trench network structure that has been created beforehand and its data is store in a .sew file whose name is as same as the drawing name, otherwise you would get an error message like "Error: no data in sewer network file". The command first prompts you the Draw Sewer Network Centerline Dialog. Select the Upstream and Downstream Structure for the centerline you are about to create. The Centerline Direction determines from which structure the polyline is drawn. You can also choose to save the centerline data to a .cl file with the option of entering in the Beginning Station. In this dialog is the ability to set the Layer name as well. Click OK to draw.Prerequisite: Your drawing is open, has been cleaned up and pre-processed by such commands as Define Layer Target, Set Boundary Polyline, Make Existing Ground Surface and Make Design Surface. Trench structure data has been stored in a .sew file, whose name is as same as the drawing name. 
Keyboard Command: drwswrcl

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