Import PDF File

This command allows you to bring in an Adobe .PDF file and convert it into CAD linework or an image file. First the program prompts to select the file you want to convert. Next, the below dialog will open. The first line in the dialog with show important information about the PDF, including the file name, data type (Vector or Raster), and the number of pages. It will also display "Layers" or "3D" if those elements are found in the file. Vector vs Raster data is an important distinction. Vector PDFs are typically of higher quality and can be brought in with the "Linework Options". Raster PDFs are lower quality and it is recommended to bring them in with the "Image Options".
Linework Options
The "Insert Linework" button shown above will convert the PDF file into usable CAD polylines. If layers are present in the PDF file, "Keep PDF Layers" with import the PDF layers into CAD layers. If there are not layers in the PDF file, "Use Colors for Layers" will parcel out the converted polylines onto layers based on the linework's color, gray scale, width, horizontal and vertical orientation. "Insert as Block" with create one block entity for all the linework. "Join Nearest" can be used to clean up the converted linework by combining adjacent linework but requires longer processing time. The "Reduce Vertices" simplifies the linework by removing extra vertices. The "Use Zero Linewidth" option creates linework with the line width set to zero. Otherwise the linewidth will be set from the linework properties in the PDF. The "Skip Tiny Lines" option doesn't draw any super short lines which is helpful for handling a PDF that has a dense hatch pattern made of tiny lines.

Image Options
In some cases, it may be preferred to bring in the PDF as an Image. "Image Options" shown below has three different methods for working with the converted Image. "Insert as Image" will convert the PDF into a Image file that is then inserted into the drawing. When inserted, the Image is visible on the screen, but unusable as CAD linework. "Save to Image File" simply saves the Image file without inserting it into the drawing.
"Vectorize and Insert" can be used to convert raster PDFs into CAD linework. If the program recognizes "vector data", indicated in the status section of the dialog, then it is recommended to use the "Linework Options" to produce CAD linework. Using "Vectorize and Insert" on "raster data", you will receive this additional dialog:
In this dialog, you can specify the Layer, Color, Scale, and whether to draw the entities on the screen or write a .dxf file. Minimum Polyline Length will reduce the amount of line segments created from the conversion.

Inserting the Converted PDF
When you are inserting the converted PDF into the drawing, will you receive the following prompts:

Pick point to insert PDF: Specify the insertion point for the PDF converted linework by either picking on the screen or typing in a coordinate (Example: 1000,1000).
Specify rotation angle: To accept the default value displayed, press Enter, or enter the rotation angle (Example: 90).
Specify scale <1.0>: To accept the default value displayed, press Enter, or enter a scale factor. If the scale factor is not known, which is typical, accept the defaults to this prompt.
Note: The proper scale factor can be determined by running Edit>Scale Wizard after inserting the PDF.

After the command has imported the PDF file, run View > Zoom > Extents to see the converted entities.

The program has two different conversion engines available, "Visual Integrity" and "Ghostscript". "Visual Integrity" is recommended and the default. In order for Ghostscript to work you need to download and install it from the website Click on the “View all files” button to the right of the “Download Now!” button. A list of Ghostscript versions will appear below (i.e., 9.23, 9.22). Choose the 9.23 or newer version. After downloading the .exe to your computer double click on it to install. Ghostscript is a free software and should only take a few minutes to install. Once it is installed, Carlson Takeoff will automatically utilize this software when Ghostscript is selected as the PDF Import Engine.

Pulldown Menu Location: Tools > Import/Export
Prerequisite: a PDF file, Ghostscript installed
Keyboard Command: loadpdf
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