Calculate Total Volumes

Use this command to report total volume calculations within the site boundary polyline. The report includes the cut and fill quantities, slope and horizontal area, average and max strata cut depth and max cut/fill depths and locations. Also in the report, strata and topsoil quantities if the site has strata and topsoil defined. Besides reporting the total quantities for the site boundary, Area Of Interest polylines can be used to report quantities within named perimeters.

Before running this command, the existing and design surfaces must be created and the boundary polyline must be assigned.  Also, the strata surfaces, topsoil and Area Of Interest polylines need to be set before this command if those features are to be reported.

The Volume Options dialog box shown here offers options for the final report. Here you can select four different types of reports: Standard Report Viewer, Custom Report Formatter, Expanded Auto Format, and Compressed Auto Format. The Cut Swell Factor is multiplied by the cut volume and the Fill Shrink Factor is multiplied by the fill volume. Report Cut/Fill Depth Zones breaks the Cut/Fill volumes up by user-defined depth intervals. The Report Units setting chooses between English and Metric quantities for the report. In Drawing Setup in Takeoff, you set the drawing units as either English or Metric. The Report Units will default to match the drawing units but you can change the Report Units to the other mode and the program will apply the conversion between English and Metric for the report. So you can have a drawing in English units and create a report with Metric quantities.

Note: As the quantities are calculated within each area, the area is hatched with a solid fill as a visual verification that the right area is being processed.

Shown here is an example of a Standard Report Viewer.Use Customs Report Formatter to customize or "user define" the reporting options. The Report Formatter Options dialog box shown here offers a variety of output options including Excel. You can choose the fields to report from the Available list and set their report order under the Used list.
For the Compress and the Expanded Auto Formats, the Report Cut/Fill in Color option will color the cut values in red and the fill values in blue in the report. Also, the Page Settings button has more controls for these auto formats including whether to output the report to PDF or to a drawing layout.

The Expanded Auto Format is shown below.If drillholes have been located on the drawing and strata types and depths have been defined, a calculate Strata Depth Zones Volume option becomes available. Here strata volumes are broken down by user-specified depth intervals. The depths are either determined horizontally (By Level) or by the area of the deepest cut (By Zone Area).Shown here is an example of the report if strata depth intervals have been defined.
The Balance Cut/Fill option vertically raises or lowers the design surface to balance the cut and fill. The report states how much the design surface was adjusted for the balance. When the drawing has grade entities, these entities can be adjusted for the balance. For example, pad polylines created by the Elevate Pads By Grade Rules can be raised or lowered for the balance. After the volumes report, the program asks whether to save the changes for the balance. This will update the grade entities and the design surface files for Design Surface After Zones/Topsoil (-sg) and Design Surface After Subgrade Zones (-zn).

With the balance routine, you can set import or export volumes. Use these options if extra material is available or needed elsewhere.

Pulldown Menu Location: Takeoff
Prerequisite: Existing and design surfaces and a boundary polyline
Keyboard Command: tin_volume
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