Legal Description

The Legal Description Writer gives you the ability to create a detailed legal description from a polyline. This description consists of calculated calls, point descriptions from Carlson points, and numerous user defined terms. The programs values for these terms are easily replaced, and are stored as defaults with each use. When a scale factor is specified under Drawing Setup, the Legal Description distances will apply the scale factor which is a way to report grid distances from ground drawing coordinates or vice versa.

In addition to this command, you can also generate legal descriptions by point numbers with the Report function within the Lot File Manager command.

Legal Description Writer Dialog
This initial and primary dialog box is shown above, and described below.

Pick Boundary Polyline: This button is used to designate the polyline boundary used. The boundary should be a closed polyline. Tools are provided in the Edit menu if you need to reverse the polyline or change its origin point. You can also select multiple polylines to process at the same time by entering M for Multiple at the Select Boundary Polyline prompt in this routine.

Pick Inside Boundary: This button is another way to designate the polyline boundary. With this method, the boundary can be defined by multiple linework entities. You pick inside the boundary area and the program will figure the boundary perimeter from the surrounding linework. This method uses the same technique as the Draw->Boundary Polyline command. The boundary perimeter that the program finds is highlighted for visual confirmation.

Deed File: This method selects the deed to report from a deed file (.pdd).

Pick Reference Lines: Used to select lines that tie into the polyline boundary used for the legal description. These should be LINE objects that have one endpoint exactly the same as the beginning point of the boundary polyline. If a Carlson point exists at the end of the line away from the boundary, the routine will pick up its description, otherwise you will be prompted for the description. You can choose any number of reference lines, simply press enter to conclude the selection of reference lines.

Point Group: This method defines the perimeter by a series of points from a group defined by the Point Group Manager command. In Point Group Manager, a group can be defined as a point list including the ability to have radius points.

Header File: This button and edit field are used to designate the optional header text file. If a valid file is selected it will be written into the top of the output.

Footer File: This button and edit field are used to designate the optional footer text file. If a file is selected it will be written at the end  of the output. 

Centerline File: This allows you to set an optional reference centerline for reporting station/offset for each point in the boundary.

Output Options allows you to select where Legal Description Writer should send the output.

Report Viewer: The output is sent to the report viewer specified under Configure Carlson->General settings: Carlson Standard Report Viewer, Windows Notepad or Microsoft Word.

Text File: The output is sent to an external text file as designated in the output file section described below.

Mtext Object: This creates a mtext object in the current drawing. Upon choosing OK you will be prompted for a starting point (which is the upper left corner) and well as a second point that determines the width and angle. By default ortho is turned on for this second point. Press the F8 key to toggle its status.

Output File: This button and edit field are used to designate the necessary output text file. This file can then be brought into your word processor and finalized. Note that the appearance of the output file can be affected by the status of the 'Use Paragraph Format' toggle in the Legal Description's General settings.

Angle Specifications
This section is used to establish the appearance of the bearings that are output with the description, and allows detailed control over each aspect.

Angle Format: The Format chooses between Bearing, Azimuth, Decimal and Fraction. Designate the character or word used in each bearing direction. Standard values are the letters N, S, E, or W. One possible option is the entire words NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST. It is important to keep in mind that spaces are literal, meaning that if you don't have a literal space after N/S, and before E/W, a space will not be formatted into the bearing. To use Azimuth, place a check in the Use Azimuth box and the General Prefix will be set to AZ.

Cardinal Angles: For example bearings that are due NORTH, the default is to generate N 00_ 00' 00 E. If the Label Cardinal Angles toggle is turned on, the program will substitute the single word (which you can change) for the direction, these usually being NORTH, or DUE NORTH.

Interior/Exterior Angles: Controls whether to report the interior and exterior angles at corners.

Quad Directions: These names are used for the Concave Direction for curves and for the direction when using the Report Interior Angle option.

Symbols: This section allows you to designate the precision for bearings, as well as the symbols used. Turn on/off the toggles for degrees, minutes, and seconds to control the precision. For example, if you wish to round to the nearest minute, simply clear the toggle from the second field. For each field (degrees, minutes, seconds), you can supply the character or word to be used. You can quickly fill in these fields with the two buttons to the right.

Line Segment Specifications
This section is used to establish the terms used when the course of a call is a line segment, as is often the case. Simply supply the beginning and ending terms for these line calls.

Curve Segment Specifications
This large dialog is used to establish the terms and options used when creating the course of a curve. Basic options include beginning and ending terms, as well as the words for left and right if chosen. In the large table of curve options, you can choose the items you wish to report, in the order you want them to appear. Simply place a number in the sequence field indicating the items you wish to report, making sure that there are no duplicate numbers. In the example below, the program would output the curve direction, arc length, radius length, chord bearing, and chord length, radius length, chord bearing, and chord length, and in that order. Each field can also have a unique prefix/suffix. There are four different possible phrases for the start of the curve description for whether the curve is tangential, non-tangential, compound or reverse. The Radial In/Out for Non-tangent Only option applies to the Radial In/Out fields and tell the program to only use these fields when the curve is non-tangent. Otherwise, these fields are always used when the Radial In/Out fields are in the sequence.

Spiral Specifications
This dialog has the setting for reporting spiral portions of the boundary. In order to pick up the spiral, a centerline (.CL) containing the spiral must be drawn using the Draw Centerline File command. Then the program will pick up the spiral definition for any portion of the legal description boundary that follows the spiral on the centerline.

Distance Specifications
This dialog is used to establish the terms and precision used when creating a distance for the course of a call. The precision and suffix apply to curves as well. Simply choose the desired distance precision from the popdown, and supply the beginning and ending terms for the line calls.

Note the availability of dual distance reporting. If you would like to report dual distances such as feet/metric, turn on the toggle in the lower left corner of the dialog. Note that the primary units are the units set in the Settings menu, Drawing Setup. If you have English set as your units in Drawing Setup, then the alternate units will be metric. The opposite also applies. If your units in Drawing Setup is set to metric, then the alternate units will be English.

Point Specifications
In the process of following the polyline definition for a boundary, the legal description writer can look for descriptions of the points at the endpoints of the polyline. These can be extracted by setting the data source to the corresponding point from the coordinate (.CRD) file, meaning the points do not have to be plotted on the screen. A second option is point block, in which the program will read the information from the drawing, and not require the presence of a coordinate (.CRD) file.

Besides point descriptions, you can also report the point coordinates.

Prefix: General term applied before the actual description.
General term applied after the actual description.
The text designated here will be placed in the description if the program does not find a valid description at that coordinate location. The words `Unknown Point' may be used.
Tolerance: The point must be within this distance of the polyline vertex to use the description.
Report Coordinates: Choose whether to report coordinates and the order for the northing and easting.
Northing Prefix/Suffix: Strings to report before and after each northing value.
Easting Prefix/Suffix: Strings to report before and after each easting value.
Precision: Number of decimals for the northing and easting values.

Station/Offset Specifications
When using a reference centerline file, the report will include the station and offset for each of the points in the boundary. The settings in this dialog control the format of these values. The program will skip reporting the station/offset for points with an offset more than the specified Max Offset.

General Specifications
This dialog controls general specifications which can affect the entire description. Each group of items are explained in detail below.

Body of Description: Enter the beginning and ending terms for the description.

String Case: Choose the button corresponding to the string case conversion desired. If you want no changes made, choose none. Choosing upper, lower, or proper case conversion will affect the case of all text throughout the description, except bearing letters.

Report Sequence:
This option controls the sequence to report the boundary segments either in the direction of the polyline, clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Spell Out Numbers: This option writes numbers as words instead of digits. For example, a distance of 123 would be written as one hundred twenty three.

Append Lines Output Format: If this toggle is on, the program will output the description without carriage returns after each line. This approach makes a nice paragraph style when brought into a word processor with word wrap. If the toggle is cleared, the program will place carriage returns at the end of each call.

Geodetic Options: In order to use these options, the grid projection for the drawing must be set using the Settings > Drawing Setup command. The Report Geodetic Mean Angle option reports the geodetic mean angle which is the average of the geodetic bearings at the two point instead of reporting the direct coordinate bearing between two points. Distance Type controls whether to report grid distances or geodetic distances at zero or mean elevation.

Report Course Numbers adds a number that increments for each course in the legal description. There are settings for the Prefix and Suffix for this number.

Area Specifications
The legal description writer can output several types of areas. Basic options include beginning and ending terms. In the large table of area options, you can choose the items you wish to report, in the order you want them to appear. Simply place a number in the sequence field indicating the items you wish to report, making sure that there are no duplicate numbers. You can edit the prefix/suffix for each and control decimal precision of each field output. For geodetic areas, the grid projection needs to be defined in the Settings > Drawing Setup command.

Reset: This option will reset all settings to their original default values.

Save: This option saves the legal description settings to a file.  The file will be saved with an extension of (LGL).

Load: This option loads previously saved legal description (*.LGL) files.

Pulldown Menu Location: Survey
Keyboard Command: legal
Prerequisite: Polyline boundary

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