Numeric Pad COGO

Using only the keys on the numeric pad, this command does several COGO commands. The program cycles through six prompts. Only respond to the prompts that apply and the program will perform the correct action. The prompts are: First point? First angle? First distance? Second point? Second angle? Second distance?

To inverse, give a first point and second point.

To traverse, give a first point, first angle and first distance.

To do bearing-bearing intersect, give a first point, first angle, second point and second angle.

To do bearing-distance intersect, give a first point, first angle, second point, and second distance. Or give a first point, first distance, second point, and second angle. The point is calculated at the closer intersection.

To do distance-distance intersect, give a first point, first distance, second point, and second distance. The point is calculated at the first intersection going clockwise from the first point's distance circle.

Points can be screen picked or entered as point numbers that reference the current coordinate file. The last point is used as a default when you press Enter at the prompt for the first point. Which point is being used is indicated by a ghost arrow pointer.

Angles can be specified by picking two points or entering an angle code which begins with a single digit code followed by the degrees and the minutes and seconds after a decimal point. The digits codes are (1 - Northeast, 2 - Southeast, 3 - Southwest, 4 - Northwest, 5 - Azimuth). For example, Northwest 50d10'2" would be 450.102.

Distances can be specified by picking two points or entering the distance value.


Enter coords/Quit/<Pick 1st point or point number>: 5
Pick or Type 1st Direction by 2 Points: 145.0135 (Northeast 45d1'35")
Pick or Type 1st Distance by 2 Points: 50.0
A point is created from the values for this traverse. The prompts for the second point don't appear because all the information for this action is entered.
Enter coords/Quit/<Pick 1st point or point number>: press Enter to use the point created by the traverse.
Pick or Type 1st Direction by 2 Points50.0
Enter coords/Quit/<Pick 1st point or point number>: 4
Enter/Pick 2nd Direction by 2 Points: press Enter
Enter/Pick 2nd Distance by 2 Points: 75.0
This creates a point by distance-distance intersect.
Enter coords/Quit/<Pick 1st point or point number>: Q

Pulldown Menu Location: COGO
Keyboard Command: ccogo
Prerequisite: None

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