Polyline to Lot File

This command will create lot (.LOT) files from selected polylines. The lots are defined by the series of point numbers. This command will create point numbers in the current coordinate (.CRD) file for each point in the polylines. Before creating a point number, the program will check to see if the point coordinates are already in the coordinate (.CRD) file and will use the existing point number if found. Each lot has a lot name and block name. Lots are not required to be closed perimeters and can also be used to represent other linework such as centerlines.


Polyline To Lot File Options Dialog enter in values
After entering in the Starting Point Number, points will be automatically numbered starting from this value.
Select lot polyline: pick a polyline

Select lot polyline:
Lot Name <LOT 19>:

Created 3 lot points.
Select lot polyline (Enter to end):
Lot Name <LOT 20>:

Created 3 lot points.
Select lot polyline (Enter to end):
Lot Name <LOT 21>:

Created 3 lot points.
Select lot polyline (Enter to end):
Select lot polyline: pick a polyline
Lot Starting Station <0.0>: press Enter
Lot Name <106>: press Enter This defaults to the next available name.
Block Name <1>: press Enter
Lot Starting Station <0.0>: press Enter
Created 7 lot points.
Select lot polyline (Enter to end):
press Enter

Pulldown Menu Location: Area/Layout > Create Lots
Keyboard Command: pl2lot
Prerequisite: A polyline

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