Fix Label Overlaps

This command allows you to fix label overlaps, where a conflict exists, for lines, arcs and polylines. You are immediately taken to the Avoid Label Overlap dialog. Here you can realign your labels by using a variety of optional methods. When the setting are to your liking, click OK. The command line then prompts you to select the entities for which to resolve annotation conflicts. Once you have selected your entities and hit Enter, this routine finds the conflicts and fixes the label overlaps. 

If Slide is selected then the labels will be moved parallel to your linework until they do not overlap. The labels will not move past the end of the linework or the Max Slide which you determine.

Offset will move your labels perpendicular to your linework as far as you set the Max Offset.

Table will replace your labels with a numbers and create a table of the numbers with the corresponding labels.

If Reorient is selected then the labels will change orientation in the plain view to avoid overlapping.

will flip your label onto the other side of the linework.

will stack or unstack the text of your labels to avoid overlapping.

Move Area Labels will attempt move overlapping area labels to the closest place to the original position that does not overlap with other labels. The distance between move attempts and the number of move attempts is controlled by the Interval and Max Move Attempts settings of the Move Area Labels Parameter section.

You can use any combination of these commands by using the add/remove button. You can also determine the order in which the command tries a method by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. If a solution is not found by using the first method then the next method is used in descending order.

The Overlap Manager can be used to manually check and change label overlaps. If you check on "View Remaining Overlaps After Applying Rules" then any remaining overlaps will be zoomed in on and you will have the ability with the Overlap Manager to step through and fix or ignore the unresolved labels. When the current overlap item is an area label, only table and move buttons will be enabled as these are the only methods that apply. For line and curve label overlaps, the buttons for all methods will be enabled. Once a label is moved with the "Move with Leader", only Table, Default and "Move with Leader" will be enabled. The Default button can be used to restore the label back to its original state.

When View Last Overlap File is checked, the Overlap Manager will return to the previous labels that were under review.

When Skip Resolved Overlaps is unchecked, the Overlap Manager will display all the labels that were moved by the command as a final check to you.

Restore Original Zoom will restore the zoom you were previously at before running the command.


Select Lines, Arcs, and/or Polylines for which to resolve annotation conflicts:
Select objects:
select entities

Pulldown Menu Location: Annotate
Keyboard Command: annconf
Prerequisite: Annotation conflicts

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