Remove Empty Benches

This routine looks at all the pits and benches and removes the bench completely from the pit if the volume and/or tons are less than the specified tolerance. This is useful to remove very small quantities that have been stored in pits by mistake, or just from calculations on the edges of the data. Running this command will remove the pit bench with volume below the tolerance, so when running timing routines, the pits won't show up. This is useful for the 3D Pick option in Surface Equipment Timing to remove upper benches that are in the pit, but have no volume assigned.


Command: emptypit
Key volume tolerance (CY) <0.0>: 100
Non-Key volume tolerance (CY) <0.0>: 100
Key tons tolerance <0.0>: 100
Select pit polylines to remove empty benches.
Select objects: all
7 found
Removed 2 empty benches.

Pulldown Menu Location: Boundary, Pit Timing Quantities
Keyboard Command: emptypit
Prerequisite: Pits with bench quantities assigned
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