Rebuild Inside Perimeter

This command rebuilds a triangulation surface within a perimeter. One application of this command is to discard a problem area of the triangulation and rebuild this area using the good elevations around the perimeter of this area.

The perimeter is selected using a closed polyline. The command embeds the perimeter polyline into the triangulation using the elevations of the triangulation. There are three methods for adjusting the surface inside the perimeter:

Remove Interior Points: The surface points within the perimeter are removed. Then the area within this area is retriangulated using the elevations around the perimeter.

Adjust Interior Elevations: The elevations of the surface points within the perimeter are adjusted using a weighted average of the perimeter elevations.

Raise Low Points: The elevations of the surface points within the perimeter are raised to remove any points that are lower than the lowest perimeter elevation or make a slope lower than the specified Min Slope. This method can be used to make sure storm water drainage flows across this area.


Select Triangulation File: Select file to load
Options dialog
Select perimeter polyline:
pick a closed polyline
Output Triangulation File: Select file to write

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface > Triangulation Surface Manager
Keyboard Command: tin_rebuild
Prerequisite: A triangulation file and closed polyline
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