Export DEM TIF File

This command creates a GeoTIFF DEM (Digital Elevation Model) file from a TIN file. The GeoTIFF DEM file is a geolocated TIFF file with one raster band representing elevation. The GeoTIFF DEM file is created by first creating a grid of "DEM Column Size" columns and "DEM Row Size" rows across the extents of the TIN (based on the TIN's x,y bounds). The center of each grid cell is sampled, and the elevation of the TIN at that sample location is used to produce a corresponding pixel in the output GeoTIFF DEM file. Geolocation information for the output GeoTIFF DEM file is based on the extents of the input TIN file projected according to the "Transformation Configuration" options.

Convert TIN to DEM file dialog:

Input/Output Options:
The "TIN File" "Set" button allows the user to select the input TIN file. The "DEM File" "Set" button allows the user to select the output GeoTIFF DEM file.

Transformation Configuration:
This column provides options for setting the projection that will be applied when geolocating the output GeoTIFF DEM file. This projection specifies how to interpret the extents of the TIN file.

Elevation Sampling Options:
The "DEM Column Size," "DEM Row Size," and "Null Elevation" options specify how the "Export DEM TIF File" routine should go about sampling the input TIN file.

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface > Import/Export Surface
Keyboard Command: tin2dem
Prerequisite: A triangulation file
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