Cut/Fill Grid Map

This command labels cut/fill quantities and creates a report at a grid interval over the site. The grid cells are square at a specified size. The cut/fill quantities are calculated separately within each grid cell. The options dialog controls which cut/fill fields to label and the label position within the grid cell. There is a summary row at the bottom of the grid with the overall totals and sub-totals for each column.

After the options dialog, the program prompts for the corners for the area to grid. These corners should create a window around the site.

Then after drawing the grids and labels, the Report Formatter shows the cut/fill quantities for the grid cells. You can choose which fields to include in the report.


Select Existing Triangulation File
Select Design Triangulation File
Select Inclusion polyline (Enter for none):
select polyline
Select Exclusion polylines (Enter for none): press Enter
Cut/Fill Grid Map dialog
Pick first grid corner: pick a point
Pick second grid corner: pick a point Sample Report:
Cell Cut (C.Y.) Fill (C.Y.) Cut Area Fill Area Total Area 
1          14.1         2.0    505.3     113.7      674.0 
2           0.4       639.2     45.2    4693.4     4739.4 
3          10.0       627.7    565.6    6691.1     7256.7 
----- Grand Total -----
         2410.7     17155.5  30959.6   93877.1   125151.5 

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface >> Cut/Fill Utilities
Keyboard Command:
Prerequisite: Existing and design surfaces
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