Sections from Layers

This command creates cross sections from surface entities on one of the specified layers. The surface entities can be contours, triangular mesh, and other 3D drawing entities. This command is the same as Sections from Surface Entities with the addition of the layer filtering. Specify the layer names of the surface entities to include in the sections. For example, the layer names CTR and TMESH could be entered to use only the contour polylines and triangulation mesh on these layers. Entities on all other layers would be ignored. See Sections from Surface Entities for more details


Specify Layer Names Dialog pick Select Layers from Screen button, choose, then OK
MXS File to Process dialog choose existing .MXS alignment file
Section File to Write dialog specify a new .SCT section file to create or append existing
Sections from Surface Model dialog Make selections
Select surface entities on corresponding layers.
Select objects:
pick the linework to process

Pulldown Menu Location: Sections
Keyboard Command: sctlayer
Prerequisite: A cross sections alignment file (.MXS file), surface lines and polylines.

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