Digitize Sections (Plan)

This command allows you to digitize cross sections from a contour map. This is useful for pulling cross sections and earthworks from existing contour maps made by aerial photography, USGS or other engineering firms.


Use TABLET CALibrate command to set scale prior to using this routine.
Contour Increment <1>:
2 The contour increment/interval of the map to be digitized.
Pick Zero Offset Station point: pick a point
Zero Offset Elevation:
Starting Contour elevation <1122>: 1124 This is the elevation of the first contour to digitize.
Next Point Up Right: pick a point

If the first contour line is moving up in elevation and to the right of the zero offset point, then pick a point on the first line with elevation 1124. If this is not the case, then review the options below to change the prompt mode.

Press digitizer/mouse buttons:

1 - To pick next point on contour line
2 - To change to UP mode
3 - To change to DOWN mode
4 - Prompt for new elevation (this elevation is applied to the next point picked)
5 - To change to RIGHT mode
6 - To change to LEFT mode

or Press Keys:

[X] - To end point prompting
[U] - To change to UP mode
[D] - To change to DOWN mode
[N] - Prompt for new elevation (this elevation is applied to the next point picked)
[E] - Erase/Delete the last point picked
[R] or [+] - To change to RIGHT mode
[L] or [-] - To change to LEFT mode

Press one of the keys, buttons or select from the side bar screen menu to change prompt to appropriate mode. When you have finished picking points press the [X] key to end the point prompting. The program then prompts:

Send Section to a file (Y/N) <Y>: press Enter
Name of Section File to write </sc/data/example.sct>: press Enter If the file already exists the user is asked to Overwrite or Append to the file.
Section Station Number: 100 The station, offsets and elevations are then written to the section (.SCT) file.

Pulldown Menu Location: Sections > Digitize Sections
Keyboard Command: digsec
Prerequisite: An existing plan view contour drawing on screen or digitizing tablet. If digitizing a map on your tablet use the Tablet Calibrate command to calibrate your digitizer tablet to the scale of the drawing.

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