Cut/Fill Slope Lines

This command draws cut/fill slope lines with slope direction arrows. The arrowhead points in the downward direction of the slope. The cut/fill slopes are defined by selecting a 3D polyline for the top of slope and another 3D polyline for the toe of slope.In the options dialog, the Style chooses the type of symbol to draw: arrow, Y, V, 3-line, Middle Dot, End Dot, 4-line or line. The Interval sets the spacing of the slope lines along the top of slope polyline. The Continuous method makes pattern repeat without interval spacing. There are settings for the arrowhead size and the color and layer for the slope lines. The Auto Size option adjusts the symbol size relative to the length of the cut/fill line. The Solid Cut Arrows option allows for different style arrowheads for cut and fill slopes. The Hatch Settings control whether to hatch the area between the top and toe 3D polylines and the hatch properties to use. The Perpendicular method draws the lines perpendicular from the top polyline to intersect with the toe polyline. The Proportional method draws the lines from the top polyline to a relative proportion position on the toe polyline. For example, when the top polyline position is 25% along the top polyline, then the toe position will be 25% along the toe polyline.

Arrow style slope linesY style with solid hatch in yellow3 line style with hatch in blue
4 line style
Zigzag style
V style


Draw Cut/Fill Slope Lines dialog
Pick top of slope polyline: pick a 3D polyline
Pick toe of slope polyline: pick a 3D polyline

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface> Cut/Fill Utilities
Keyboard Command: slope_lines
Prerequisite: 3D polylines for top and toe of slope

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