Cut/Fill Movement

This command optimizes earth movement from cut to fill between existing and design surfaces. The earth movement is reported separately by haul ranges which is useful when using different types of earth movers such as dozers and truck/shovel.

Select inclusion and exclusion boundaries:
If an exclusion or inclusion boundary needs to be set for the existing/design tins used in Cut/Fill Movement, first draw either the existing of design tin to screen using the Draw Triangular Mesh command, then select boundaries from the screen when prompted. If no exclusion or inclusion boundaries are selected, Cut/Fill Movement will process the entire existing/design tin (though other options such as auto size grid limits still apply).

Cut/Fill Dialog options:
Grid Cell Size X: Determines the x value (width) of generated cut/fill grid cells.

Grid Cell Size Y: Determines the y value (height) of generated cut/fill grid cells.

Min Truck and Shovel Distance: Defines the truck and shovel cutoff, see Report Details.

Cut Swell factor: The cut volume is multiplied by this factor.

Fill Shrink factor: The fill volume is multiplied by this factor.

Auto Size Grid Limits:
Toggle on: The X and Y limits of the existing/design surfaces are calculated then subdivided into grid cells according to Grid Cell X and Y sizes.
Toggle off: User is prompted to window a section of the existing/design surfaces. This windowed area is then subdivided into grid cells according to Grid Cell X and Y sizes.

Report Details:

Toggle on: Total Work, Average distance moved, total fill, and total in-cell movement volume is reported. In addition -- for each cell -- net fill, a breakdown of cut and fill, easting and northing cell center locations is reported. Finally a breakdown of transported cut is reported by From and To region, Total Volume transported, and Distance cut is moved (excluding internal transport).
Toggle off: Cut fill movement report reports total work average distance moved, total fill and total in-cell movement volume.
*Note: If a minimum truck and shovel distance greater than 0.0 is set the report will also include the Truck and Shovel cut off as well as volume moved less that cutoff, volume moved more than cut off and the average distance moved for both of these values.

Draw Grid: Draws a grid on "Grid Layer" (can be set using Draw Grid Layer Name edit box) representing grid cells as defined by Grid Cell Size X, Grid Cell Size Y and the Auto Size Grid Limits toggle.

Draw Transport Paths: Arrows representing the transportation of cut from its initial cut cell to its destination fill cell are drawn to screen according to the "Path Layer" (can be set  using Path Layer Name edit box). The Arrows can be scaled to show the relative amount of transported cut by using the "Scale Path Width Relative To Volume" toggle.

Label Volumes:  Draws text of the volume for each cut/fill area using the specified layer and text size.

Example: Detailed report
Example Report Cuts Details
*Example of Cut information reported by Detailed report.

Report Fill details
*Example of Fill information reported by Detailed report.

Report Earth Movement details
*Example of earth movement reported by Detailed report.

Report Movement Totals
*Example of totals and averages for cut movement (notice that when a Minimum truck and shovel distance above 0.0 is defined the report breaks down total and average movement by greater than and less than Minimum truck and shovel distance).

Example: Grid
Grid breakdown of existing surface
*grid Autosized to grid limits. Individual grid cell dimensions are determined by Grid Cell Size X and Grid Cell Size Y,

Example: Cut movement represented by arrows
Scaled movment arrows
*Arrows Scaled to path width relative to transported volume

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface > Cut/Fill Utilities
Keyboard Command: cf_move
Prerequisite: Two surface models

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