Design Centerline

This command draws a centerline polyline and writes the centerline data in a centerline file. The first step is to specify a centerline (.CL) file name. Next in the Design Centerline dialog you can specify several options. Centerline Layer is the layer name for the polyline. Tangents Layer is the layer name for the tangent lines drawn from the centerline to the curve center. Max superelevation is used for determining the minimum recommended radius. Setting the Prompting mode to Existing skips design questions such as design speed.

After the Design Centerline dialog, the program cycles through curve prompting until End is selected. There are PC and PI modes for curve entry. In PC mode the arc's PC points are entered followed by the curve data. The PC points can be specified by either picking the point, entering a distance or entering a station. In PI mode, the arc's PI points are entered. Once the PI points determine two tangents, the program prompts for curve data for the previous PI. Spirals can only be entered in PI mode. You can switch between arc and PI mode between curves on the polyline. The arc curvature can be specified by degree of curve or radius. The minimum recommend radius is based on AASHTO. The arc length can be specified by PT station, tangent length or arc length.

The Store Points in CRD File will create points in the current coordinate file for each design point on the centerline. This option is also used for creating the SMI chain file within Centerline Utilities, since the SMI chain file requires point numbers. To specify the coordinate file, choose Set Coordinate File in the Points menu.


Centerline file to design Enter the .CL file name to create.
Design Centerline Dialog Choose your options and click OK.
Pick Point or Point number: pick a starting point or enter the starting point coordinates
For PC mode design:
Bearing/PI/End/Undo/<Pick Point or Point number>: pick the PC point
Bearing/PC/PI/End/Undo/<Pick Point or Point number>: PC
Enter Design Speed for curve <55.00>: 40
Minimum Recommended Radius = 426.67
View/Point/Degree of Curve/<Radius>:
Curve direction (Left/<Right>)? press Enter for right
Length to use (Station/Tangent/<Arc>)? press Enter for arc
Point/Station/Tangent/<Arc Length>: 200
Reverse/Compound Curve (Yes/<No>)? press Enter
PI/Distance/Station/<Pick PC or Point number>: D for distance
Point/Enter Distance: 180
Bearing/Line/Undo/End/<Continue PC>: press Enter
Enter Design Speed for curve <40.00>: press Enter
Minimum Recommended Radius = 426.67

Example of PC mode centerline design

View/Point/Degree of Curve/<Radius>: 500
Curve direction (Left/<Right>)? press Enter
Point/Station/Tangent/<Arc length>? 300
Reverse/Compound Curve (Yes/<No>)? press Enter
PI/Distance/Station/<Pick point or Point number>: D for distance
Point/Enter Distance: 140
Bearing/Line/Undo/End/<Continue PC>: E to end
For PI mode design:
Bearing/PI/End/Undo/<Pick Point or Point number>: pi
Pick Point or Point number (PI)<5098.50,3509.11>: pick the first PI point
Type of curve [Spiral/<Circular>]?  S for spiral
Enter Design Speed for curve <55.00>: 40
Minimum Recommended Radius = 426.67
View/Point/Degree of Curve/<Radius>: 500
Enter Number of Lanes <2>:
View/Enter Spiral Length In <204.8000>: 210
View/Enter Spiral Length Out <210.0000>: press Enter
Bearing/Pick next Point or Point number (PI): pick the next PI point
TS: 1+33.280
SC: 3+43.280
CS: 6+39.364
ST: 8+49.364
Bearing/Line/PC/Undo/End/<Continue PI>: press Enter
Type of curve [Spiral/<Circular>]?  press Enter for circular
Enter Design Speed for curve <40.00>: press Enter

Example of PI mode centerline design

Minimum Recommended Radius = 426.67
View/Point/Degree of Curve/<Radius>: 500
Bearing/Pick next Point or Point number (PI): pick the last PI
PC : 9+35.900
PT : 16+34.283
Reverse/Compound Curve [Yes/<No>]? press Enter
Bearing/Line/PC/Undo/End/<Continue PI>: E to end
EndPoint : 18+37.121
Stations are printed for every PC, PT and end point in the design process.

Pulldown Menu Location: Centerline
Keyboard Command: centerln
Prerequisite: None

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