Project Settings

The Project Settings dialog allows the user to modify various project-wide settings that fall under three categories: Units and Ranges, Naming Conventions, and 3D Viewer Settings. It is usually best upon creation of a project to first go to this dialog and make sure that these settings are ideal for the work to be done.

Units, Precision, and Ranges

The Units, Precision, and Ranges page of the Project Settings dialog allows the user to specify their desired working units and their desired ranges for color values retrieved by the scanner.

These values will be internally used by Point Cloud and any values exported from Point Cloud or drawn to any CAD software will be in these units.  PointCloud no longer differentiates between feet and meters because most scanners do not include this information in their exported scans,command making it impossible to automatically convert.  If you need to convert between distance units, use the Scale Cloud command.  

Naming Conventions

The Naming Conventions page of the Project Settings dialog allows the user to specify the default naming behavior for each of the major item types in Point Cloud.

By default, when objects are created they will be given the names specified in the Naming Conventions dialog followed by the smallest number with the specified number of digits that will give it a unique name. For instance, using the above settings, if a project already has "TIN 01" and "TIN 02" objects and the user creates a third TIN, this third TIN will be given the default name of "TIN 03". Additionally, the user can also specify suffixes to be added to datasets after they have been processed in some manner. Given the above settings, if a TIN, "TIN 01", were simplified with the above settings its simplified TIN would be given the default name of "TIN 01 - Simplified 01". In most cases where new objects are created, the user will have the option to change the new object's name from the one automatically generated from these settings.


The Viewer page of the Project Settings dialog allows the user to customize various settings of how the Point Cloud viewer window looks.

The Axes options specify the size of the orientation axis as well as its relative position in the viewer. The axes show the orientation of the three axes with respect to the current camera's view direction. Its size is in pixels, so the axes will not scale with the window size.

The Orientation Axes

The bounding box options specify the size of the lines (in pixels) that outline the extents of the current object in the viewer as well as their colors.

A TIN with its Bounding Box

The Grid options specify whether to draw a grid when in parallel projection mode, as well as the grid line sizes and their colors.

The Orbit options are for drawing a graphical orbit on screen, which is useful for restricting camera movement along a specific axis. When working with the orbit control, dragging with the mouse starting in the small circles on the left and right locks the camera to the x axis, while starting in the circle on the top and bottom locks it to the y axis. Starting a mouse drag outside the big circle locks the camera to the z axis.

A Scene with the Orbit Control Enabled

The Pivot Point and Reference Point settings specify the size and color of the points drawn to represent the current pivot and the current reference point, respectively. The pivot is the current pivot for the camera, which the camera rotates around in Orbit mode and the reference point is the current point of reference which is used in the data page for relative distance checks and some other functions.

The Elevation / Range Legend options specify whether to draw the legends for these values (if the current dataset being viewed has consists of Elevation or Range data). These legends show the elevation / range values associated with colors values for objects colored by elevation / range.

The Elevation Legend
Enable Selection Tooltips are helpful tips that appear when selecting data.
CTRL Key Settings
Ability to choose to use the CTRL key or not with mouse clicks. Three options: Use CTRL Key to Pick, Use CTRL Key to Navigate or Do not use CTRL Key (default).

Default Cloud Point Size
Ability to set the default size of each point cloud node. Value from 1-100.

Default Polyline Width
Ability to set the default size of polylines.

Active Polyline Highlight
Ability to display active polyline as either Dashed, Thickened or None (normal).

Elevation & Index Label Color
Ability to set the Color of elevation labels and index labels.

Dialog Settings

Allows user to save and reload the settings


Allows users to track and save commands and data with timestamps

Cad Settings

Option to draw points, polylines and text to Cad simultaneously while drawing in the cloud.
Option to use the CRD file set in CAD for the PointCloud's Coordinate Points.

Tab Location(s):
Project Tab

Prerequisite: Open Point Cloud project

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