Split Bed

For the selected drillholes, this command provides the ability to manipulate an existing bed at certain elevations or thickness. The bed can be split by changing the key/non-key status or by supplying a new bed name. With a new bed name, the bed will be split into one part with the old name and the other with the new name. The elevation at which to split the bed can be specified as a flat elevation or as a grid file. For the grid file, the split elevation is defined by the grid file at the drillhole location. The thickness method allows you to split off a specified thickness from the top or bottom of the bed or to add a specified thickness from the adjoining strata to the top or bottom of the bed. Besides changing the structure (thickness/elevation) of the bed, this routine will also split the bed qualities.

One application of this routine would be to use the thickness option to set the top 0.1 of the KEY bed to non-key to model loss at the top of the seam. Another application is to split a large KEY bed into two beds at an elevation grid to model mining the bed in two passes or benches.


Split strata method [<Elevation>/Grid/Thickness]? T for Thickness
Select the Drillholes for bed split.
Select objects:
pick the drillhole symbols
Enter name of the bed to split: C2
Rename bed or assign key/non-key status [<Name>/Status]? press Enter for Name
Enter new name for the thickness change: C2B
Split from top or bottom [<Top>/Bottom]? press Enter for Top
Add or subtract thickness from bed [<Add>/Subtract]? S for Subtract
Enter thickness (ft): 2

By Elevation:
Split strata method [<Elevation>/Grid/Thickness]?
press Enter for Elevation
Select the Drillholes for bed split.
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 5 found
Select objects:
Enter name of the bed to split:
Rename bed or assign key/non-key status [<Name>/Status]?
Enter new name for the upper part of the bed:
Enter new name for the lower part of the bed:
Enter a split elevation:

Pulldown Menu Location: Drillhole > Strata/Bed Utilities
Keyboard Command: splitbed

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