Drillhole Text Formatter

This routine allows for flexible labeling of any data contained in the drillholes- also known as "posting drillholes." After selecting which drillholes to label, the program prompts whether to process beds. If beds are processed, the strata will be composited by bed name into groups such as bed_top, bed_key, bed_parting, and bed_bottom for labeling. If beds are not processed, only the strata names will be used for labeling.

The Drillhole Text Format Options dialog, shown below, allows you to select the information to label. The full list of available information is show on the left of the dialog, while the "Used" column on the right lists the information that will be labeled. The leftmost column lists the Drillhole, the Strata/Beds, and the Equations (if applicable). Selecting one of these groups will show the specific attributes that can be labeled in the middle column. These attributes can be added to the "Used Column" by double-clicking the attribute, or by highlighting the attribute and clicking the green right-arrow between the "Available" and "Used" columns.

When an attribute is added to the "Used" column, the below dialog will appear to control the settings of that attribute label. This dialog can also be accessed by double-clicking an attribute in the "Used" column or by highlighting an attribute and clicking the pen icon between the "Available" and "Used" Columns.


Select the Drillholes to label.
Select objects:
pick the drillholes
Process beds [<Yes>/No]? Press Enter for yes.
Drillhole Text Format Options dialog

Drop-Down Menu Location: Drillhole
Keyboard Command: chtext2

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