Apply Wash

This command takes the wash curve files and runs them through the washing process to report the results either at a specified density, or with certain targets defined to calculate the density to wash the product to. These results can be saved as a *.STC Stratacalc file that may then be used with Make Strata Grid or AutoRun Strata Grids to make grids of these washed attribute values, and add them to the geologic model for mine quantities and reserves.


Wash File Settings

Input Lithology

Wash Density Options


The targets are only used when the Maximize Yield option in the Wash Density Options is used. All three target fields have an Add and Delete Target for the attribute rows. Each target can be saved out as a separate file, with a TRGT file extension.

Raw Targets: The raw targets are first analyzed to see if these conditions are met using the raw material without any washing. If the material passes and meets these targets, then there is no need to wash, and the material is not processed and will be used as is, or raw. The unprocessed material is acceptable and will be used without washing.
Processing Targets - Float Targets: These attribute targets are the quality of material that is desired from the result of washing. Entering the minimum or maximum values of the attributes determines what density the material needs to be washed to for float.
Processing Targets - Sink Targets: This is the target of the sink material, usually waste rock. If the attribute target is used here (not required if targets are set for float), then both the float and sink targets must be met for the material to be washed and pass.


Lithology Targets Summary: The total number in the count should add up to the total number of Loaded Input Lithology samples.

Average Passing Raw Values: If the Raw material attributes meet and pass the targets, this window displays the average values in raw, unwashed state.

Average Washed Values

Average Combined Values

StrataCalc Export Values: This is to select whether to save the attributes out as the Float or Sink values.
Keep Missing Attributes: Selecting this option gives the option to keep and report any attributes that exist in the drillholes but were not defined or used for any washing analysis. Deselecting any will not include the attribute in the output.

Output StratCalc: In order to make a geologic model of the washed attributes, the values at the selected / calculated density need to be saved out to a StrataCalc STC file. This file can be viewed and edited with the separate command StrataCalc Datasheet. When the user is prompted to select drillholes or StrataCalc file, this STC file can be the source of the datapoints for the modeling.

Report Results: The Report Formatter will contain the calculated results and allow for custom viewing in many formats such as TXT, HTML or Excel. The washed Float and Sink attribute values for each drillhole, seam and sample point are displayed in the report. The Yield of the Float and Sink totals 1.0. Raw quality values are also included in this report that did not require washing.

Calculation Details:
This report shows all the calculation details, attributes used and missing or not used, targets, and the calculations used. This report is a good reference to use as a backup or document the exact washed attribute calculation. Each drillhole and sample interval is listed, including the WASH file that is used for the calculations.

Save Settings/Load Settings:
This command creates a *.AWASH file saves all the entered settings for this command.


Apply Wash Dialog

Drop-Down Menu Location: StrataCalc ->Wash Filter->Apply Wash
Keyboard Command: applywash

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