Solid Fill Polyline

This command fills the interior of closed polylines with 3D Faces to make the polyline areas appear solid. Closed polylines for exclusion areas can be used to exclude areas from the fill. Text can also be selected to exclude the text area from the fill. As an alternative, you can use the HATCH command, which creates an associative link between the hatch object and its boundary, interior boundary and any text that is excluded.


Solid Fill Dialog Box
Use Layer/Color of Perimeter Polyline
This option uses the layer and color of the perimeter polyline for the solid fill faces instead of those in the dialog box.
Pick Interior Point to Make Perimeter Instead of requiring a closed perimeter polyline, this option defines the perimeter by the boundary of the area around a picked point.
Make Block of Solid The solid is created by adjoining 3D faces. This option groups the 3D faces into a block.
Select Inclusion perimeter polylines.
Select objects:
pick closed polyline
Select Exclusion perimeter polylines.
Select objects:
press Enter
Select Text to Exclude from fill.
Select objects:
press Enter

Pulldown Menu Location: Edit
Keyboard Command: solidfill
Prerequisite: A closed polyline

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