Highlight Crossing Plines

This command highlights selected polylines that are crossing in the drawing and have different elevations at the crossing. Every intersection point where the polylines cross are marked with a temporary X. A report is provided at the end where the X and Y of the intersection points are displayed with the two Z values and the Z difference. The command has the ability to repair crossing polylines by inserting a vertex in each polyline at the intersection and assigning a common elevation at this intersection.


Select polylines to check.
Select objects:
pick polylines to process
Ignore zero elevations [<Yes>/No]?
press Enter for Yes to filter out polylines at zero elevation
Reading points ... 1677
Finding points on breaklines ...
19 crossing polylines are highlighted.
Use Report Formatter [Yes/<No>]?
press Enter for No. Use the Report Formatter to customize the report layout or export to Excel.
Minimum delta Z to report <0.0>:
Add polyline vertices at intersections  [Yes/<No>]?
Set 3D polyline to crossing contour elev or average elevs [Set/<Average>]? press Enter for Average. The Set option applies to crossing polylines where one polyline is a 3D polyline with varying elevations and the other polyline is a contour polyline with a fixed elevation. For this case, the Set method will hold the elevation of the contour polyline and set the 3D polyline elevation to match the contour. The Average method sets the elevation of the intersection point as the average of the crossing polyline elevations at that point.
Maximum delta Z to average <1.0>:
press Enter. This option will only add the intersection point with the averaged elevation if the elevation difference is less than this tolerance.

Pulldown Menu Location: Edit > Polyline Utilities
Keyboard Command: xing_plines
Prerequisite: Polylines with elevations

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