Add Polyline Vertex

This command adds points into a polyline. First you select the polyline to modify. The existing polyline vertices are marked and then you can pick or enter the coordinates for the new points. A new point is inserted into the polyline at the nearest polyline segment. On a 3D polyline, the elevation of the new vertex will be calculated for you. You can continue to pick points to add or use the Undo option to remove the last point added. Press Enter when you are done.

There are two connection method. The Direct method adds the new point at the picked position. The Projected method finds the nearest perpendicular point along the polyline from the picked point and adds a vertex on the polyline segment at this projected position.


Select polyline to add to: pick a polyline
Mode: Direct connection
Pick or enter point to add [Options]:
pick a point
Pick or enter point to add (Enter to end) [Undo/Options]: press Enter to end

Pulldown Menu Location: Edit > Polyline Utilities > Edit Polyline
Keyboard Command: addpl
Prerequisite: A polyline

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