Shrink-Wrap Entities

This command creates a closed polyline which encloses a given set of point and linework entities. The resulting polyline is created in the specified layer.

There are two different methods. The Across Gaps method creates a closed polyline through the points around the perimeter of the area defined by the selected entities. The Max Gap limits how far the polyline segments will connect between points. The Perimeter Reduction pulls in the shrink-wrap polyline to make a tighter fit similar to a vacuum suction effect. The 3D Polyline method uses the elevations of the input entities to create a 3D polyline. The 2D Polyline method ignores the elevations of the input entities and creates a polyline at elevation zero. For open polylines, as in the bottom figure, the Gap method works better, as it jumps across the gaps and connects the end points. The Interior Void method creates a closed boundary polyline for an empty area that is surrounded by points such as a pond. The Ignore Zero Elevations option will filter out entities at zero elevation and not use them in creating the perimeter. The Elevate Zero Elevations option will interpolate zero elevation vertices in the perimeter polyline using other vertices with elevations.

For the Bounded Linework Only method, the shrink-wrap polyline follows the outside border of the selected polylines. The polylines that are processed have to be connected to be shrink-wrapped. The Snap Tolerance is the maximum gap that will be joined to make the closed polyline.

Example of Interior Void method


Shrink-Wrap Entities dialog
Select points and linework to shrink-wrap.
Select objects:
select entities to process

Pulldown Menu Location: Draw
Keyboard Command: swplines
Prerequisite: Entities

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