Export SQLite File

This command create a SQLite file from the entities in the drawing.  A dialog shows the drawing's projection and EPSG code and an option to include Z coordinates.  The function will export all entities that has linked database information.  Any entity that has no linked database information would not be exported.

The command use the Projection and Units that specified in the Drawing Setup to search corresponding EPSG codes in the SQLite/Spatialite reference system.  The system can resolved the EPSG code from the Pre-Defined projection and the build-in projection for State Plane 83, State Plane 27 and UTM.  If the system can't resolve an unique EPSG code, then it will prompt a dialog and let the user selected the code. 

Fo example, if a predefined project USA/NAD83(86)/Massachusetts (Mainland) is selected in the Drawing Setup, then the following dialog will be display.  The dialog list all projection that is related to the predefined projection.  To see more detail information about a projection, just move the cursor to the project.  The srtext box will display detail information. 

These SQLite files can be imported into QGIS layer. 


Specify Name for SQLite File dialog select .sqlite name
Select EPSG code: select entry
Export Carlson Entities to SQLite File dialog
choose settings, click OK

Pulldown Menu Location: GIS Data -> Export GIS Data -> Export Sqlite
Keyboard Command: export_sqlite
Prerequisite: None

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