Import Google Earth Surface

This command creates a Carlson Triangulation file (TIN) by downloading surface data from Google Earth. While the elevation accuracy of the Google Earth surface should be considered coarse, it might be suitable for large-scale watershed modeling studies, preliminary land-planning studies or "proof-of-concept" preliminary designs.

Before running this command, the grid projection system for the drawing must be defined in Settings > Drawing Setup.

After selecting the TIN file to output, the program prompts to pick the rectangular area in the drawing for where to create the surface file. Then there is a dialog to set the grid resolution of the data points. You can either specify the number of rows and columns for the grid or define the size of the grid cells.


See Also:


Select Output File: Choose a TIN file to create.
Pick first corner of bounding box: Identify one corner of a drawing window that should be used to set the Google Earth display
Pick second corner of bounding box:Identify the opposite corner of a drawing window that should be used to set the Google Earth display
Import Google Surface dialog

Pulldown Menu Location: Civil > Surface > Import/Export Surface, Survey > Surface > Import/Export Surface, Takeoff > Tools > Import/Export, Construction > Import/Export
Keyboard Command: gesurface
Prerequisite: Coordinate projection system defined in Drawing Setup and Internet connection