Assign Contour Elevation-From Contour Labels

This command allows you to set elevations to contours from elevation labels. Select a sample of the elevation text to be used on the contouring. Next, select a sample of the contouring that you want to add the elevations to. In case you have contours on different layers like for major and minor contours, there is a prompt to pick a second contour line example. The program uses the Layers of the selected entities to know which entities to process as the contour labels and lines. Now select all the contours and their corresponding elevation labels. The program will then add elevations to all the contours. You may be prompted to distinguish what contour goes with what elevation label. You can either press <Enter> to accept the contour that the program has selected or you can Press <N> to choose another contour.


Select sample of elevation text: pick a contour label
Select sample of a contour line: pick a contoue line
Select second sample of a contour line (Enter for none):  press Enter
Select contour lines and elevation text to process.
Select objects: pick lines and labels
Joining adjacent polylines...
Reading the selection set ...
Joining ...
Pre-processing entity #1008 of 1008
Filtering text entities
Processing elevation text #518

Conflict detected: pick contour corresponding to current elevation text
Press N for next selection or Enter to accept current:
Remaking polyline #311

Pulldown Menu Location: Elevate in Takeoff, 3D Data in Civil
Keyboard Command:  TXTCELEV
Prerequisite: contours and contours labels