Make Solid From Design

This command creates a solid model using a tunnel template, centerline and profile. The tunnel template defines the cross section. The centerline defines the horizontal alignment and the profile define the vertical alignment. Using the design files, the program creates a cross section for the solid at the specified station interval along the alignments.

Before running this command, the design files must already be created. The tunnel template is created with the Design Tunnel Template command. The centerline can be created by many commands including Input-Edit Centerline. The profile can be created by many commands including Input-Edit Profile.

Use 3D Polyline For Alignment: prompts for a 3D polyline for the horizontal and vertical alignment instead of using centerline and profile files.
Section Method: controls whether to create the tunnel sections perpendicular to the profile slope or vertical.
Station Interval: sets the interval to create tunnel sections along the alignment.
Horizontal and Vertical Offset: shifts the tunnel template from the alignment such as for a circular template with the profile in the center.


Make Solid From Design dialog
Solid File To Write Select MDL file

Pulldown Menu Location: Solid
Keyboard Command: design2solid
Prerequisite: tunnel template and alignment