Mine Note Left/Right/Face

Mine Note Left/Right/Face is a simple routine for entering offsets. The flow of this routine is very similar to Mine Note from CooRD File. To get started, the routine only requires a starting point and a direction. Then enter a distance up followed by the offsets. The offsets consist of a code immediately before the distance. The codes are L for left, R for right, CL or *L for corner left, and CR or *R for corner right. For example, the offset CL9 means a corner point offset 9 feet to the left.

Corner points identify a corner of a pillar that is across a cross cut. Corner points are drawn as green dots and other points are drawn as red circles. This distinction is made to assist in pillar connection and is important to AutoMine Connections.

If the ASCII File From Notes option is on, this routine also produces a .DAT file which contains a record of the entries. This file is necessary for AutoMine Connections.


Enter Offset File Name <offset.dat>: press Enter
Enter/Pick From Station Point: pick or Enter a point
Entry Number: 1 This is an identification number for the entries that follow. AutoMine Connections groups spad offsets by this number.
Enter/Pick To Station Point (a for azimuth): pick or Enter a point or enter A
Spad Number or <Enter> for none: 1043 This number is drawn at the spad.
Flip Spad Text (Y/<N>)? N This determines the orientation of the spad text.
Enter distance From Station/Spad on Centerline (Enter to end): 25
Offset, U for Undo, or [Enter]for new centerline distance: L10 Offsets left 10.
Offset, U for Undo, or [Enter]for new centerline distance: CR9 Offsets a corner point right 9.
Offset, U for Undo, or [Enter]for new centerline distance: press Enter
Enter distance From Station/Spad on Centerline (Enter to end): 47 
Offset, U for Undo, or [Enter]for new centerline distance: *L8 Offsets a corner point left 8.
Offset, U for Undo, or [Enter]for new centerline distance: R11 Offsets right 11.
Offset, U for Undo, or [Enter]for new centerline distance: press Enter
Enter distance From Station/Spad on Centerline (Enter to end): press Enter

Pulldown Menu Location: Notes
Keyboard Command: note1
Prerequisite: None