Trace Polyline

Trace Polyline will convert linework in an image into a CAD polyline with multiple vertices. Trace Polyline requires that an image is "current" this can be accomplished either by using the Set Raster Image command or if only one image exists in the drawing, running Trace Polyline will automatically set the lone image in the drawing as the "current" image.

Trace Polyline options menu:

Trace Polyline options dialog

Set Background Color Manual/From Image:
Trace Polyline currently works best if the image being processed has a distinct background color that pervades most of the image and is easily distinguished from the color of the line work of the image. Set Background Color Manual allows the user to set the color that Trace Polyline interprets as the background color manually, by selecting a color from the Color dialog (shown below). Alternately The user can select the background color From Image.

Color Dialog

Pixels to skip:
Sets the number of pixels (0-25) that Trace Polyline will "skip" (pass over) in order to connect two groups of pixels of the same color. This allows for longer length polylines to be created on poor quality images that contain gaps in between traceable line work. A larger number of pixels to skip will typically create longer length CAD line work. However, if the image line work contains few gaps, then the Pixels to skip should be set lower to avoid incorrectly connecting traced line work between unrelated traceable line work.

Smooth Polyline:
Interpolates between nodes of the polyline currently being traced to create interstitial nodes in the current polyline that give the current polyline a smoother appearance.

Auto-correct for 90 degree corners:
Attempts to determine if a section of line work represents a 90 degree corner. If so, creates a 90 degree corner in the current polyline traced over line work.

Close polyline tolerance (pixels):
Sets the close polyline distance tolerance (in pixels, 0-25) for Trace Polyline. If the beginning and end of the current polyline are closer than the close polyline distance tolerance then Trace Polyline will determine the current polyline to be closed, geometry will be automatically added to the poyline to connect the beginning and end of the polyline. Any redundant nodes created by connecting the beginning and end of the polyline will be removed.

Zoom Options:
1. To Ends, zooms view to the end nearest the most recently added polyline geometry. This end is set as the currently active end (see switch ends).
2. To Bounds, zooms view such that the entirety of the geometry of the currently traced line work is visible.
3. None, view does not change after the addition of new geometry.

Elevation Options:
1. Contour, sets polyline geometry z values based on elevation set by the contour prompt. When enter is pressed, or the currently active polyline is closed, the user is prompted to update contour information (again, using the contour prompt).
2. Prompt, prompts user to enter z value of traced polyline geometry. If enter is pressed or polyline is closed, user is again prompted to enter z value of traced polyline geometry.
3. Zero, all polyline geometry is drawn with its z value set to 0.0.

Modify Raster Options:
1. Draw new linework, Draws a 1 pixel wide line of the color of the current line work on the "current" image.
2. Erase existing linework, Sets pixels on "current" image to the current background color up to a distance of 'Pixel size' from the current polyline geometry.

Raster Nearest Snap Options:
Snap Radius, tolerance factor for selecting line work. If line work is found at a distance less than 'Snap Radius' away from most recent user  selected pick point, that line work will be added to the geometry of the current polyline.


Pick segment or [Options/Manual point/cross line Pick/Undo/Close/Switch active end/Exit] (Enter to end polyline):
(Select pick point to continue tracing polyline.)
(O)-Options, opens the Trace Polyline options dialog.
(M)-Manual point, allows user to contribute additional geometry to current polyline manually, ie not automatically traced.
(P)-cross line Pick, allows user to select pick point by crossing line work to be added with a cross line.
(U)-Undo, undoes previously drawn geometry.
(S)-Switch active end, switches the end to which geometry will be added (given new geometry begins near active end).
(E)-Exit, exits Trace Polyline.
*(C)-Continue, if no geometry has been traced, continue allows user to select on screen polyline geometry and use that as the basis for new line work.

Pick manual point or [enable snap Nearest/Switch active end/Exit] (Enter to end):
(Pick manual point to add to polyline geometry.)
(N)-enable snap Nearest, see raster Nearest Snap Options.
(S)-Switch active end, switches the end to which geometry will be added.
(E)-Exit, exits Trace Polyline.

Enter elevation or [Increment 1.00/Direction +/Exit] Elevation <0.00>:
(Enter elevation in contour mode.)
(I)-Increment, increment the elevation according to "direction" (either + or -).
(D)-Direction, toggles incremental direction from + to - or vice versa.
(E)-Exit, exits Trace Polyline.

Enter elevation or [Exit] Elevation <0.0>:
(Enter elevation in Prompt mode.)
(E)-Exit, exits Trace Polyline.

Pulldown Menu Location: Raster > Trace Polyline
Keyboard Command:
Set Raster Image