
Many of the most commonly used functions can be accessed using the toolbar. Following is an explanation of the buttons found in the toolbar in the order they are shown.

Create New Project - New project Icon.

Open an Existing Project - Open file Icon.

Save the Current Project - Disk Icon.

Print One of the Reports - Printer Icon.

Settings -Wrench Icon. This icon initiates the SETTINGS->STANDARD ERRORS tab.

Data Collector Transfer Program - This icon will initiate either the C&G Data Collector Transfer/Conversion program or the Carlson SurvCom program. The C&G program allows you to transfer data from the data collector, or convert the data collector file to a .CGR file format. It supports all major data collectors. The Carlson program connects specifically to the Carlson SurvCE data collector.

Edit Raw Data - This icon can be used to start either the .RW5 raw data editor or the .CGR raw data editor. If your project has multiple raw data files, you will be shown a list and asked to select the file you wish to edit. The appropriate editor will be called depending on what type raw files are defined in the project settings. If no raw file or project has been specified the default raw editor as defined in the Settings menu will be executed. Any changes you make in the editor need to be saved before returning to SurvNet for processing.

Process Network - Icon that looks like a traverse network.

Inverse - Icon has a line with points on each end..

Relative Error Ellipses - Icon has a line with points on each end and an ellipse in the middle.

Graphics - Icon that looks like an eye. This icon is active once a project has been opened.

Help - Icon that looks like a question mark. This icon will take you to the SurvNET help feature.