Stack Label Arc

This command draws a small table of curve data. Unlike the command Label Arc, instead of fitting the text on the arc, this command lines the data up in rows. The command prompts to select an arc, define the arc by three points, or type O for Option to display the dialog shown here. For each type of arc value, you can specify the label and the sequence number. Under Label Options, the Stack Label Arc data table will display the values in the order by sequence number. There are also settings to justify label left or right.

Under Label Options, the data table will display the values in order based upon sequence number. For each of the arc properties, you can set the Label prefix, Row and Order. For multiple labels on the same row, the Order controls the label sequence for that row. The Header field is just the specified label and doesn't have an arc value. To display the special C/L label, enter \U+2104 in the label.

Chord Angle Mode allows you to set how the chord and radial angles are labeled as azimuth, bearing or gon.
Curve Angle Mode allows you to set how the delta angle and degree of curve are labeled as degree/minute/second or gon.
The Type of Curve option determines the type of curve.
Roadway:  The length is determined as the true length of the curve.
Railroad: The length is adjusted based on 100-foot chord segments.
Justify sets the alignment for the text as left, center or right.
Flip Labels
controls whether the text is drawn upside down in the current twist screen view.
The Use symbol for Delta Angle option uses a delta triangle symbol for the prefix.
Draw Leader Horizontal Tick
draws a short horizontal line at the label end of the leader.
Align Text With Chord
sets the angle of the text to match the chord angle. Otherwise, the text is draw horizontal to the current twist screen.

General Settings shows Annotation Defaults which has settings such as Text Size Scaler which apply to this routine.
Reset To Defaults puts the settings back to built-in defaults.
Load and Save functions store and recall the settings to an .ANS file. This is a way to share a label style with others or manage different styles.


Options/Points/<Select arc>: P The P option causes the command to prompt for points on the arc. This can be useful for labeling sub-arcs such as lot corners of a cul-de-sac.
Pick point or point number for Endpoint of arc: pick a point
Pick point or point number for Radius:
pick a point
Pick point or point number for Other Endpoint: pick a point
Direction of curve [Left/<Right>]? press Enter for right
Pick stack label point (Enter for none):
pick a point
Pick point to start leader at ([Enter] for none): pick a point
To point: pick a point
Options/Points/<Select arc> (Enter to end): press Enter to end

Pulldown Menu Location: Annotate > Annotate Arc
Keyboard Command: slabarc
Prerequisite: an arc entity or arc points