Color Contours by Interval

This command sets the color of the selected contour polylines based on the elevation interval values, which are essentially the number that the elevation ends with, so specific colors are assigned for elevations ending in 0, 1, 2, etc. The color assignments are defined in the Define Interval Colors dialog box.

Select Entities:  User is prompted to select the contour polylines to change.
By Layer:  Contour polylines are selected automatically by their layer.


Define Interval Colors Dialog If Select Entities is set as Interval Colors Method, pick OK, and you are prompted to:
Select polylines and text to color:
pick the entities If By Layer is set as Interval Colors Method, set the layers by Screen selection or from a list by Name, then pick OK.

Pull-Down Menu Location: Surface >> Modify Contours >> Color Contours
Keyboard Command: ctrcolor2
Prerequisite: Contours polylines