Vehicle Path Tracking

This command traces the wheel paths for vehicle dimensions along a centerline. The centerline is defined by a polyline which must be created before running this command. The center of the front axis follows this centerline. After specifying the vehicle dimensions and draw options in the command dialog, the program prompts for the centerline polyline and then draws the paths.Wheel Width: Distance along the wheel axis to the outside of the tires.
Wheel Length:
Distance between the front axis and rear axis.
Vehicle Width:
Outside width dimension of the vehicle body.
Front Overhang:
Distance from front axis to front of vehicle body.
Rear Overhang:
Distance from rear axis to the back of the vehicle body.
Draw Vehicle Icons:
Draws the vehicle symbol with the vehicle dimensions on the Vehicle Layer. Draw Method chooses between placing vehicle icons at the specified Station Interval along the centerline or prompting to pick points along the centerline to place the vehicle icons.

The Save and Load buttons save and recall the vehicle dimensions to a .VTP file.

For hinged vehicles, pick on the Trailer Tab and turn on the Use Trailer toggle. There is a separate set of dimensions for the trailer and separate layers for the trailer points to track.
Trailer settings and results for Interstate Semitrailer


Vehicle Path Tracking dialog
Select centerline polyline: pick a polyline

Pulldown Menu Location: Roads - Vehicle Path Tracking
Keyboard Command: auto_track
Prerequisite: Centerline polyline