Road Stripe Library

This command defines a collection of line styles. Each line style has a Name for a description, Color and Linetype. The Double Line option is for line styles of two parallel lines. The Linetype can be Solid for continuous line styles or Dash. For Double Lines, the Linetype can also be a solid on one side and dashed on the other such as for passing zones on the center double yellow line. For Dash Linetypes, the Stripe Length and Gap Length control the length of the dash and spacing between the dashes. Use the Add, Edit, Delete and Move Up/Down buttons to manage the list of line styles.

When the line styles are defined in the library, use the Draw Road Stripes command to create the line styles in the drawing.

The current Road Stripe Library is stored in the current USER folder under Documents & Settings in a file called stripelib.dta. The Load and SaveAs functions can be used to store and recall the stripe library to a .RSL file for archiving or sharing.

Pulldown Menu Location: Roads
Keyboard Command: stripe_lib
Prerequisite: None