Draw Spot Elevations

This command creates spot elevation labels based on user settings. 

Label Style: This option at the top of the dialog determines which options are available in the rest of the dialog.
Label with Leader: This option draws a leader between the spot location and the label. The style of the leader is controlled by the current DIMSTYLE settings.
Label with Symbol: Draws the specified symbol at the spot with the label off to the side.
Carlson Point: This option creates a Carlson point entity with the point#, elevation, description attribute block and stores the point to the current coordinate file. When creating Carlson points, there is an option for Prompt For Description for entering descriptions for the points for the point entities and coordinate file.
Label Decimal on Point: Draws only the elevation label and positions the label so that the label decimal is on the spot.
Label Insertion on Point: Draws only the elevation label and uses the spot location for the insertion point of the label.
Label Only: Draws the label without any indicator of the exact reference point for the label.
Symbol: Specify the symbol to be used for the location of the spot elevation. If Draw with Leader is selected, the use of a symbol is automatically disabled. Along with the symbol name, you can also set the Size Scaler to size the symbol and the Offset Scaler to control the offset between the symbol and the label. The Prompt For Symbol Angle option allows you to rotate the symbol. Otherwise, the symbol is drawn horizontal to the current twist screen.
Leader Segments controls how many leader segments the program will prompt for. Place Label Along Leader draws the label along the leader instead of horizontal off the end of the leader. Leader Horizontal Tick draws a short horizontal segment at the label end of the leader. Arrow Scaler controls the size of the arrowhead. The Use MLeader creates an mleader entity. Otherwise a regular leader and separate text entities are drawn.
Draw Point Node
: Specify whether to create a node (point entity) at the spot.Options:  Under Options, there are settings to control the layer, text style, text size and prefix/suffix for the labels. Box Labels controls whether to draw a box around the label and Box Scaler controls the size of the box. Locate Label On Real Z sets whether the label and symbol are placed at the spot elevation or at zero elevation. There are several settings for fields to prompt for when placing each spot label including prefix, suffix, position and angle.
Use Attribute Block
: This option uses a block with attributes to draw the spot elevations. This allows you more control of the label layout. There is one default spot elevation attribute block called spot_z1.dwg in the Carlson Support folder. To customize the layout, open the attribute block drawing, make your edits and then save the drawing. The attribute block uses three attribute definitions: Integers, Decimals, Suffix. Integers is for the elevation digits to the left of the decimal point. Decimals is for the digits to the right of the decimal point. Suffix is a text description.
Placement Method:

Prompts the user for a screen pick or a point number to specify the location of the spot elevation. 
Pick Entity: This method labels the elevation of the selected 3D entity. For 3D polylines, the elevation comes from the polyline at the location the polyline is selected.
Point Range/Group: Draw spot elevations at the specified point numbers or point group name from the current coordinate file.
Prompts the user to select an existing polyline and specify an interval distance to set spot labels along the polyline. It also prompts for number and interval for additional labels to be set at offset distances right and/or left of the polyline.
Use Reference: 

User is prompted to supply elevation for each new spot elevation.
Single Surface File:
Prompts user to specify the triangulation or grid surface model file to read the elevations from. Spot elevations created with this method are automatically updated if the surface model elevation changes.
Two Surface Difference:
Prompts user to specify an existing surface file and a design surface file, and labels the elevation difference between the two.
Slope Percent/Ratio From Point/Polyline:
These methods allow you to set the spot elevation by a slope percent or ratio from a reference point/polyline. These methods have another option for whether to Prompt for Slope which will prompt for the slope from the reference for each spot. Otherwise, the Slope From Reference setting in the dialog is used. When using the Polyline reference method, the program finds the station-offset of the spot point along the polyline and uses the elevation of the polyline at that station for the reference.
Link To Reference applies to using a surface file or 3D polyline for the spot elevations. This link option will automatically update the labels when the reference surface file or 3D polyline change.
The Hide Drawing Under Labels option creates a wipeout under the spot label to hide any other drawing entities behind the label.
The Integers setting controls how many decimal places to the left of the decimal point to label and the Decimals settings controls how many decimal places to the right of the decimal point to label. The Round By .5 option rounds the last digit to either 0 or 5.
Prompt for Prefix/Suffix: These options will prompt for the labels for each point which is useful when labeling different kinds of spots.
Prompt for Label Position: When using Label With Symbol style, this option will prompt for where to place the label for each spot.
Prompt for Elevation: Prompts to enter the elevation for each spot. Otherwise, the elevation of the picked point is used.
Prompt for Second Elevation: Prompts for a second elevation for each spot. This option applies when labeling two elevations at the same point such as top and bottom of curb when they have varying elevation differences between them. If the two elevation have a fixed elevation difference, then you can use the Vertical Offset for the Second Label.
Prompt for Label Angle: This option allows you to rotate the label for each spot. Otherwise, the label is drawn horizontal to the current twist screen.
Vertical Offset adjusts the elevation label by the specified amount.
Additional Label has separate settings for Vertical Offset, Prefix and Suffix which allows for labeling two elevations for the same spot such as labeling both bottom and top of curb.
The Save and Load buttons write and recall the settings to a .LSE file so that you can store different label styles and share them.

Pulldown Menu Location: 3D Data
Keyboard Command: