Carlson Directory Structure

The figure below shows the default directory structure for the Carlson program files. The EXEC, LSP, and Support sub-directories have files that are accessed by the program. You should never need to access these files directly yourself. The Carlson Projects sub-directories are the user's directories.


\Program Files\Carlson2018


- Programs (.EXE, .DTA)

\Support - a set of fixed program support files that are not user-customized

- Help files (.CHM, .PDF)
- Shared programs (.DLL)

\SupTemplate - a set of support files to be copied to individual user's profile

- Drawing blocks (.DWG)
- Menus (.MNU, .CUI)


Lisp & ARX
- Programs (.LSP, .DLL, .ARX, .DCL)

\UserTemplate - a set of files to be copied to individual user's profile

User setup files
- Settings files (.INI)

\Carlson Projects (customizable during installation)

User data files
- Survey files (.RW5, .CRD, etc)

Startup directory, user drawings
- Drawings (.DWG)

Each user on multi-user system gets his own copy of files from support and settings areas. Depending on your operating system the location will vary:
    On Windows XP and earlier it would typically be: C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Application Data\Carlson Software\Carlson2018
    On Windows Vista would typically be: C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Local\Carlson Software\Carlson2018
    On Windows 7 would typically be: C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Carlson Software\Carlson2018
followed by folder name specific to the version of AutoCAD or IntelliCAD you are running. Please note that by default Windows will be hiding the "Application Data" ("AppData" on Vista) location from browsing, but you can still type it in, or change viewing preferences.