Input Sewer Line

This command creates a sewer network by placing structures on polyline vertices. Before running this command, draw a polyline connecting where you want to create structures. An advantage of this command over Create Sewer Structure is that the polyline defines the connections between the structures. Also before running this routine, go to Sewer Network Settings to assign the Network File, Surface File and settings.

In the options dialog, set the default values for the structures and pipes. See the Create Sewer Structure topic for information on these settings.

After the dialog, the program prompts to select the polyline. Then temporary arrows are drawn to show the flow direction that the program will use. There is a prompt to reverse this direction if needed. Then the program creates structures at each vertice in the polyline. The design settings such as Min Cover and Min Slope from Sewer Network Settings are used to set the pipe slopes and invert elevations. After creating the structures, the Edit Sewer Structure dialog shows the new structures. You can review and edit the structure properties.


Input Sewer Line dialog
Select Network Polyline:
pick a polyline
Switch flow direction [Yes/<No>]?
press Enter
Edit Sewer Structure dialog 

Pulldown Menu Location: Network
Keyboard Command: plswr
Prerequisite: polyline and Sewer Network Settings