Import From Coal Section

This command converts the strata data in coal sections into thickness channel samples. Coal sections are created in the Works pull-down menu of the Standard Mining Module and consist of strata names with thicknesses.

The program prompts for the strata names to use in the channel samples in case the strata names differ from the coal sections names. For example, consider this coal section:


In order to avoid duplicate strata names in the channel samples, the two coal section strata named C could be named Coal1 and Coal2 for the channel samples.

The program has settings for the layer, symbol block drawing name and symbol size for the channel sample symbols to create.


Coal Section Configuration File Dialog
Choose a coal section configuration file (*.sc).
Select coal sections.
Select objects:
pick coal section symbols
Create channel samples for section COAL [<Yes>/No]? press Enter
Enter strata name for section coal <COAL>:
press Enter
Enter channel sample description <COAL SECTION>: press Enter

Pulldown Menu Location: Drillhole > Pit/Channel Samples
Keyboard Command: