Draw Curb Ramp

This command modifies 3D curb polylines to fit in a ramp of the specified dimensions. For input, this command requires 3 3D polylines that define the face of curb (bottom and top) and the back of curb. There is a dialog to enter the curb dimensions. Then the program prompts to pick a point on the curb 3D polylines to draw the ramp. This point is used as the center for the ramp. The existing 3D curb polylines are modified to lower the curb for the ramp and new 3D polylines are drawn for the rest of the ramp. These 3D polylines can then be used for breaklines in surface modeling such as with the Triangulate & Contour routine.

Plan view of 3D curb polylines with ramp dimensions

3D view of curb polylines and ramp


Curb Ramp dialog
Select curb polyline:
pick a polyline
Select curb polyline (Enter to end):
press Enter

Pulldown Menu Location: 3D Data > 3D Polyline Utilities
Keyboard Command: curb_ramp
Prerequisite: 3D curb polylines