Assign Contour Elevation-From Contour Labels

This command allows you to set elevations to contours from elevation labels. Select a sample of the elevation text to be used on the contouring. Next, select a sample of the contouring that you want to add the elevations to. Now select all the contours and their corresponding elevation labels and press <Enter>. Carlson TakeOff will then add elevations to all the contours. You may be prompted to distinguish what contour goes with what elevation label. You can either press <Enter> to accept the contour that Carlson TakeOff has selected or you can Press <N> to choose another contour.


Select sample of elevation text:
Select sample of a contour line:
Select contour lines and elevation text to process.
Select objects: all
5049 found
4041 were filtered out.

Select objects:

Joining adjacent polylines...
Reading the selection set ...
Joining ...
Pre-processing entity #1008 of 1008
Filtering text entities
Processing elevation text #518

Conflict detected: pick contour corresponding to current elevation text
Press N for next selection or Enter to accept current:
Remaking polyline #311

Keyboard Command:  TXTCELEV
Prerequisite: contours and contours labels