2D to 3D Polyline-By Text With Leader

This command will assign elevations from the labels to the polylines by following the label leaders to their corresponding vertices on the polyline. This command will prompt you for samples of the elevation labels, the leaders, and the polylines to convert. The program uses these samples to know the layer names for the labels and linework to process. Then select all the labels and leaders for the polylines you want to convert. You will then be prompted to enter in an elevation to add to label values. Often times elevations are abbreviated to save time and space. If every elevation in a drawing is in the 800s instead of labeling every elevation 817.85, 817.40, 817.30 sometimes, like in the above example, they are listed 17.85, 17.40, 17.30. This command allows you to add a given amount, such as 800, to every label elevation to produce the correct elevation in the drawing.

Carlson TakeOff searches for all leaders and gathers their associated text. If the program finds different labels in the elevation text, then this dialog box allows you to select the text you want to create 3D polylines. In this example you might want to use elevations followed by TC. This dialog box allows you to select that text and exclude the other text which is not to be used in the elevations of the polyline, such as FS.


If you are creating 3D polylines from multiple elevation labels than this dialog box will allow to offset certain labels by a given amount. In the above example you can offset an elevation labeled FS by .50 so that it matches vertices set by TC labeled elevations. The vertices elevated in this command will appear as control vertices in the command Edit-Assign Polyline Elevations. It can also be used in conjunction with other 2D to 3D commands to elevate polylines by more than one method.


Select sample of elevation text: Pick a text label
Select sample of an annotation leader: Pick an annotation leader
Select sample of a polyline to convert: Pick a polyline
Select polylines to convert, leaders and elevation labels to process.
Select objects: Select the desired entities
22 found
3 were filtered out.

Select objects:

Enter elevation to add to label values <0.00>: 800
Pre-processing entity #19 of 19
Filtering text entities
Processing leader #6
Remaking polyline #1

Keyboard Command:  elevfl
Prerequisite: 2D polyline, elevation labels, and leaders