GPS Vectors and Total Station report

Following is a report generated from a project that combined GPS vectors and total station data. Notice that the report is very similar to the GPS vector only project report.  Explanations of the report are included in the report and are in bold, normal text.


Mon May 08 15:08:39 2006
3D Geodetic Model.
Input Raw Files: C:\data\lsdata\3dModel\GPSCombined\rawCombined.cgr
GPS File:  C:\data\lsdata\3dModel\GPSCombined\VectorJob.gps

Output File: C:\data\lsdata\3dModel\GPSCombined\gpsCombined2D.RPT
Curvature, refraction correction: OFF
Maximum iterations: 10 , Convergence Limit: 0.000200
1983 State Plane Coordinates, zone:0202 Arizona Central
Horizontal Units: Meters
Confidence Interval: 95.00
Project Geoid Height:   -30.000
Default Standard Errors:
  Distance: Constant 0.002 ,PPM: 5.000
  Horiz. Angle: Pointing 0.6" ,Reading: 0.0"
  Vert. Angle: Pointing 2.0" ,Reading: 3.0"
  Total Station: Centering 0.001 ,Height: 0.002
  Target: Centering 0.001 ,Height: 0.002
  Azimuth: 5"
  Coordinate Control: N:0.010, E:0.010, Z:0.030,
  GPS: Centering:0.001, Vector Err. Factor:10.0


Notice that in this example geoid modeling was used. Notice that the ellipsoid elevation is displayed with the latitudes and longitudes. Orthometric elevations are displayed with the SPC83 grid coordinates.

Unadjusted Observations
Control Coordinates:     0 Observed Points,    2 Fixed Points,    0 Approx. Points
Sta. Latitude         Longitude          Z (Ellip.) StErr N:  StErr E:  StErr Z:
17  32-58'09.73116"N  112-47'13.55718"W   179.384   FIXED     FIXED     FIXED
12  33-04'44.24403"N  112-54'36.04569"W   194.299   FIXED     FIXED     FIXED

Grid XYZ
 Sta.       N:            E:            Z (Geoid):   StErr N:    StErr E:  StErr Z:
 17       218691.215    131994.035      209.384      FIXED      FIXED      FIXED
 12       230946.179    120618.775      224.299      FIXED      FIXED      FIXED

Geocentric XYZ
 Sta.       X:            Y:              Z:        StErr X:    StErr Y:  StErr Z:
 17     -2074605.540  -4938403.868  3451206.784      FIXED      FIXED      FIXED
 12     -2082621.133  -4927852.115  3461405.389      FIXED      FIXED      FIXED

Notice that in the 3-D model distances are not reduced to horizontal or grid. Slope distances are reduced to mark to mark distances.  A Mark to mark distance is the computed slope distance from the monument to monument.

Mark to Mark Slope Distances:    8 Observations
 From Sta.   To Sta.             Dist.        StErr
 13            51               4013.947       0.022
 51            52               2208.268       0.013
 52            53               2202.068       0.013
 53            18               2714.298       0.016
 51            15               1601.219       0.010
 52            15               2499.608       0.015
 52            16               2639.678       0.015
 53            16               2859.648       0.016

Notice that in the 3-D model distances vertical angles are considered as separate measurements. Vertical angles have also been converted to mark to mark vertical angles.

Mark to Mark Vertical Angles:    8 Observations
 From Sta.   To Sta.         Vertical Ang.             StErr (Sec.)
 13            51               090-04'46.6"          3.6 
 51            52               090-14'33.0"          3.6 
 52            53               089-43'23.7"          3.6 
 53            18               089-58'21.3"          3.6 
 51            15               090-27'52.0"          3.6 
 52            15               090-05'53.1"          3.6 
 52            16               090-07'37.0"          3.6 
 53            16               090-20'24.0"          3.6 

Horizontal Angles:    8 Observations
 BS Sta.   Occ. Sta.   FS Sta.          Angle          StErr (Sec.)
 12           13          51          067-58'23.5"          0.8 
 13           51          52          160-18'01.7"          0.9 
 51           52          53          213-47'22.1"          0.9 
 52           53          18          198-52'17.3"          0.9 
 13           51          15          240-35'47.0"          0.9 
 51           52          15          320-50'46.2"          0.9 
 51           52          16          142-02'01.5"          0.9 
 52           53          16          061-14'43.7"          0.9 

GPS Vectors:    8 Observations
 From Sta.        Delta X   Variance Delta X   Covariance XY
 To   Sta.        Delta Y   Variance Delta Y   Covariance XZ
                  Delta Z   Variance Delta Z   Covariance YZ

 12               -507.728      6.64E-005       7.231E-005
 13              -5749.936      0.0002136      -1.914E-005
                 -8484.249     7.969E-005      -6.468E-005

 12               5291.644     4.281E-005       4.478E-005
 16              -4337.804      0.0001497      -1.252E-005
                 -3048.755     5.397E-005      -4.592E-005

 13               4725.685      0.0001066       6.211E-005
 15              -1175.977      0.0002265      -5.722E-005
                  1127.564      0.0001289      -9.329E-005

 13               5799.369     5.779E-005       5.987E-005
 16               1412.130      0.0001984       -1.63E-005
                  5435.492     7.569E-005      -6.123E-005

 15               3797.625      0.0001611        0.0001685
 17              -3625.824       0.001025       -8.94E-005
                 -2841.898      0.0003411        -0.000365

 16               2723.952     6.601E-005       6.098E-005
 17              -6213.925      0.0001595      -3.951E-005
                 -7149.837      0.0001187       -8.61E-005

 16               3983.996     4.166E-005       3.668E-005
 18              -2884.461     9.022E-005      -2.464E-005
                 -1679.646     6.868E-005      -4.835E-005

 17               1260.043     3.331E-005       2.912E-005
 18               3329.461     7.695E-005      -1.931E-005
                  5470.192     6.021E-005      -4.279E-005

Adjusted Geographic Coordinates

Adjusted Grid Coordinates, (Meters)
 Sta.       N:            E:            Z (Geoid):   StErr N:    StErr E:  StErr Z:
 13         220822.407    122293.821         205.469   0.011      0.006    0.007
 51         222914.991    125719.002         200.982   0.013      0.008    0.028
 52         224634.004    127105.001         191.980   0.011      0.009    0.028
 53         225289.986    129206.984         202.983   0.011      0.008    0.032
 18         225217.062    131920.203         204.850   0.008      0.005    0.007
 15         222134.510    127117.007         188.195   0.013      0.008    0.011
 16         227273.259    127147.034         186.643   0.007      0.004    0.006

Adjusted Geocentric Coordinates, (Metric)
 Sta.       X:            Y:            Z:         StErr X:    StErr Y:  StErr Z:
 13      -2083128.851  -4933602.055     3452921.136   0.006      0.011    0.007
 51      -2079539.552  -4933856.880     3454699.821   0.008      0.013    0.028
 52      -2077907.135  -4933512.881     3456146.639   0.009      0.011    0.028
 53      -2075836.064  -4933996.021     3456717.919   0.008      0.011    0.032
 18      -2073345.496  -4935074.401     3456676.978   0.005      0.008    0.007
 15      -2078403.158  -4934778.040     3454048.691   0.008      0.013    0.011
 16      -2077329.484  -4932189.930     3458356.627   0.004      0.007    0.006

Adjusted XYZ Coordinates Error Ellipses, 95% CI
 Sta.               Semi Major     Semi Minor      Max. Error Az.        Elev.
                       Axis           Axis
 13                    0.030           0.013          N 20-10'14.1"E       0.019
 51                    0.036           0.019          N 21-18'08.4"E       0.071
 52                    0.029           0.020          N 29-51'55.4"E       0.072
 53                    0.030           0.021          N 19-08'38.0"E       0.083
 18                    0.022           0.010          N 26-26'36.4"E       0.018
 15                    0.034           0.020          N 17-51'28.5"E       0.028
 16                    0.021           0.009          N 22-55'33.0"E       0.014

Adjusted Observations
Adjusted Mark to Mark Distances
 From Sta.  To Sta.        Distance      Residual     StdRes.   StdDev
 13            51          4013.941    -0.005         0.244    0.013
 51            52          2208.258    -0.011         0.803    0.010
 52            53          2202.072     0.004         0.281    0.011
 53            18          2714.316     0.018         1.146    0.011
 51            15          1601.218    -0.001         0.072    0.008
 52            15          2499.610     0.002         0.145    0.008
 52            16          2639.683     0.005         0.357    0.008
 53            16          2859.656     0.008         0.469    0.008
            Root Mean Square (RMS)      0.008
Adjusted Angles
 BS Sta. Occ. Sta.   FS Sta.   Angle         Residual   StdRes    StdDev(Sec.)
 12       13         51      067-58'22.4"      -1.1       1.3         0.4 
 13       51         52      160-18'02.3"       0.6       0.7         0.7 
 51       52         53      213-47'22.2"       0.1       0.1         0.7 
 52       53         18      198-52'17.5"       0.2       0.2         0.9 
 13       51         15      240-35'46.5"      -0.5       0.5         0.9 
 51       52         15      320-50'47.2"       1.0       1.2         0.7 
 51       52         16      142-02'01.5"      -0.0       0.0         0.8 
 52       53         16      061-14'43.4"      -0.3       0.4         0.7 
                               Root Mean Square (RMS)         0.6 
Adjusted vertical angles
 From Sta.   To Sta.    Vertical Ang.           Residual    StdRes   StdDev(Sec.)
 13            51          090-04'55.5"       -9.0      *    2.5          1.4 
 51            52          090-14'36.5"       -3.5           1.0          2.9 
 52            53          089-43'25.0"       -1.2           0.3          3.1 
 53            18          089-58'22.0"       -0.7           0.2          2.4 
 51            15          090-27'53.0"       -1.0           0.3          3.4 
 52            15          090-05'52.9"        0.2           0.1          2.3 
 52            16          090-07'39.9"       -2.9           0.8          2.1 
 53            16          090-20'24.9"       -0.9           0.2          2.3 
                Root Mean Square (RMS)         3.6 

GPS Vectors:    8 Observations
 From Sta.          Delta X    Residual    StdRes    StdDev
 To   Sta.          Delta Y    Residual    StdRes    StdDev
                    Delta Z    Residual    StdRes    StdDev

 12                  -507.7297   -0.0022       0.267     0.0061
 13                 -5749.9259    0.0102       0.699     0.0109
                    -8484.2524   -0.0037       0.409     0.0072

 12                  5291.6464    0.0028       0.430     0.0045
 16                 -4337.7947    0.0096       0.785     0.0074
                    -3048.7649   -0.0095       1.298     0.0055

 13                  4725.6931    0.0085       0.818     0.0080
 15                 -1175.9849   -0.0083       0.549     0.0115
                     1127.5557   -0.0086       0.754     0.0100

 13                  5799.3676   -0.0014       0.185     0.0060
 16                  1412.1252   -0.0048       0.339     0.0107
                     5435.4912   -0.0010       0.116     0.0073

 15                  3797.6184   -0.0067       0.524     0.0083
 17                 -3625.8277   -0.0034       0.107     0.0128
                    -2841.9072   -0.0093       0.505     0.0109

 16                  2723.9438   -0.0081       0.999     0.0045
 17                 -6213.9378   -0.0129       1.022     0.0074
                    -7149.8428   -0.0061       0.562     0.0055

 16                  3983.9875   -0.0082       1.268     0.0054
 18                 -2884.4705   -0.0092       0.965     0.0079
                    -1679.6485   -0.0024       0.290     0.0069

 17                  1260.0437    0.0003       0.049     0.0052
 18                  3329.4673    0.0063       0.719     0.0079
                     5470.1943    0.0021       0.276     0.0069
 Solution converged in 3 iterations
 Degrees of freedom:27
 Reference variance:1.32
 Standard error unit Weight: +/-1.15
 Passed the Chi-Square test at the 95.00 significance level
 14.573 <= 35.620 <= 43.195