Area to Section Report

This command stores the area of closed polylines into a section report file (.cut) that is used by the Dragline Section Report command. Along with the area of cut and fill, this command associates a station and sequence number. The station is the distance along the dragline centerline and the sequence number orders the area in the steps at that station. There can be several steps at each station. This command prompts to select a cut area polyline which should be a closed polyline in section view. There is also an option to select a fill polyline. The areas can be assigned a description that is used in the Dragline Section Report.


Select cut area polyline: pick a closed polyline
Cut Area: 17929.86
Select fill area polyline (Enter for None):
pick a closed polyline
Fill Area: 22184.69
Description <Cut Area>:
Shovel Pass1

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface
Keyboard Command: cutarearprt
Prerequisite: A closed polyline in section view