Contour from Grid File

This command creates contours from a surface model defined by a grid file. Contouring from a grid employs a different method than from a triangulation network and generally produces contours that loop more. The grid has data points at a regular interval while the triangulation has edges for every point and breakline in the surface. The smoothness of the contours depends a great deal upon the grid resolution. 

Hatch Zones will fill the intervening spaces between specified elevation ranges with hatch patterns or solid color fills.
Create Polyline Topology will create closed polylines for each contour range and will draw a zone text label within each area. This polyline topology can be used in GIS routines such as Polygon Processor.
Smooth Contours Setup: The Low to High slider bar controls the amount of smoothing. This smoothing method is based on the Bezier method. The Apply Outlier Reduction Filter option will remove spikes in the contour polylines that don't follow the general trend of the contour. The Reduce Before Smoothing option applies the Reduce Vertices function on the contour polylines before applying the Bezier smoothing. By reducing before smoothing, the contours will have more freedom to smooth since the Bezier method holds all original polyline vertices and the reduce will result in fewer vertices to hold. The Offset Distance is the maximum distance the contour is allowed to shift when removing vertices during reduce. Smoothing Sub-Division will internally subdivide the grid cells with a quadratic smoothing algorithm to help create smoother contours.


Select the Inclusion perimeter polylines or ENTER for none.
Select objects:
pick a closed polyline for the contour boundary if any
Select the Exclusion perimeter polylines or ENTER for none.
Select objects:
pick a closed polyline for the area to exclude
Grid File to Process dialog select a .grd file
Contour from Grid File options dialog
Extrapolate grid to full grid size (Yes/<No>)?
press Enter This prompt appears if your grid extends beyond the limits of your data points in some areas.

Contours interpolated from GRID

Setting color ranges using "Hatch Zones" option

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface >> Contour from...
Keyboard Command:
A grid file