
A lot of functionality of Carlson triangulation and TIN file manipulation is now available from LISP for the advanced users to use in their routines. This part of the Carlson interface is called DTM API.

API supports the older FLT file format, which stores only edge information, and the new TIN format, which is a binary format containing all the structure of triangulation and therefore is faster to load and takes less space. The file extension controls which file type is being created.

The functionality of DTM API is implemented in TRI4.ARX. It would be the responsibility of the caller to make sure that this file gets loaded by adding this line at the beginning:

(scload (strcat lspdir$ "tri4"))

The ARX should never by unloaded by the caller.

The following is a list of currently supported functions (it can be obtained at any time by calling (cf:dtm_api):
create_tin - create a TIN from selection set
draw_tin - draws a TIN as 3d faces;
tri_volume - produce volume report from 1 or 2 TINs
tri_change - modify tin using inc/exc and operators
tri_contour - contour tin using inc/exc and ini file with settings
tri_profile - creates a profile of the TIN along a centerline
tri_diff - produce a difference TIN from two TINs
tin_combine - produce a combined TIN performing a specified operation to elevation
tri_store_regions - create and store TIN difference
tri_apply_region - apply a specific region revision
tri_forget_region - forget all region revisions
surface_util - routines for tin surface manager
load_tin - loads TIN into memory for tin_z function
unload_tin - unloads the current TIN from memory
tin_z - returns the z at the specified x,y for the current TIN set by load_tin


Creates TIN from a given selection set, optionally using inside/outside logic.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "create_tin" entities_ss inclusion_ss exclusion_ss regions_ss file_name options)

entities_ss  - Selection set of all entities to be used for triangulation. Currently supported are point, line, arc, polyline, insert, circle, 3dface, solids, text, and mtext.
inclusion_ss - Selection set containing inclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if inclusion polylines are not being used.
exclusion_ss - Selection set containing exclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if exclusion polylines are not being used.
regions_ss - Selection set containing region polylines if needed. Pass nil if regions are not being used. Regions logic is on/off - crossing region line reverses the inside/outside state. Note: Only one of inside/outside methods can be used for one call (either inclusion/exclusion or regions).
file_name - Full path of file to be created. Extension controls a type of TIN file created.
options - Optional. String containing one or more of the following keywords, space separated:
ignore_zero - Ignore zero elevation data points.
view_error_log - In case of warnings during triangulation, bring up the report at the end.
densify - Perform ridge/valley detection and improve triangulation as needed.


Draws TIN file at a given layer as 3DFACEs.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "draw_tin" file_name layer_name is_road)

file_name - Full path of file to be loaded.
layer_name - Layer name to use. If does not yet exist, new layer will be created. Color of entities is set to BYLAYER.
is_road - Optional. If set to 1 and route follows completion of Process Road Design feature it will turn on road coloring.


Calculates volume of the TIN within a given polyline, optionally with report generated.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_volume" inclusion_ss exclusion_ss regions_ss filename filename2|elevation is_report is_silent)

Return values: If successful, the function returns a list with 4 real values: cut, fill, cut area, and fill area. The volume is in cubic ft or meters and area is in square ft or meters, depending on the configuration.

- Selection set containing inclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if inclusion polylines are not being used.
exclusion_ss - Selection set containing exclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if exclusion polylines are not being used.
regions_ss - Selection set containing region polylines if needed. Pass nil if regions are not being used. Regions logic is on/off - crossing region line reverses the inside/outside state. Note: Only one of inside/outside methods can be used for one call (either inclusion/exclusion or regions).
filename - Full path of main TIN file to be used.
filename2 - Full path of secondary TIN file to be used. If used, two surface volumes will be calculated between the first and second TINs.
elevation - Reference elevation passed as real value. If this option is used, one surface volume will be calculated between the first TIN and this reference elevation.
is_report - 0/1. Specifies whether to bring up the report with calculation results.
is_silent - 0/1. If 0 value is supplied the routine will provide no output at the command line and no progress indicators.


Change TIN file using specified optional inclusion polylines and using one of the possible math operations. For all operations but "embed" the inclusion/exclusion polylines are offset a 0.1 so that a reasonably sharp wall could be produced by modifications.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_change" inclusion_ss exclusion_ss regions_ss filename operation value)

inclusion_ss - Selection set containing inclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if inclusion polylines are not being used.
exclusion_ss - Selection set containing exclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if exclusion polylines are not being used.
regions_ss - Selection set containing region polylines if needed. Pass nil if regions are not being used. Regions logic is on/off - crossing region line reverses the inside/outside state. Note: Only one of inside/outside methods can be used for one call (either inclusion/exclusion or regions).
filename - Full path of main TIN file to be modified.
operation - keywords describing what operation is to be performed on the TIN:
add - Add a value to elevation of inside nodes.
scale - Scale elevation of inside nodes by the value.
set - Set elevation of inside nodes to the value specified.
perp - Sets elevation of nodes as if TIN is offset by value along normal at the point. The node is not moved horizontally, just elevation is adjusted.
nil - Removes inside nodes. No value is needed.
embed - No change of elevations, but the inclusion polyline is still added to TIN.


Contours TIN file as defined by INI file and inclusion polylines

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_contour" inclusion_ss exclusion_ss regions_ss tin_filename ini_filename)

inclusion_ss - Selection set containing inclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if inclusion polylines are not being used.
exclusion_ss - Selection set containing exclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if exclusion polylines are not being used.
regions_ss - Selection set containing region polylines if needed. Pass nil if regions are not being used. Regions logic is on/off - crossing region line reverses the inside/outside state. Note: Only one of inside/outside methods can be used for one call (either inclusion/exclusion or regions).
tin_filename - Full path of main TIN file to be used.
ini_filename - Full path of INI file defining how contouring is performed. For list of values, check tri4.ini in USER folder which stores values used in Triangulate and Contour function.


Creates a profile of the TIN along a centerline

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_profile" tin_filename cl_filename pro_filename)

Return values: If successful, the function returns 1, otherwise nil.

tin_filename - Full path of main TIN file to be used.
cl_filename - Full path of centerline (.cl) file to be used.
pro_filename - Full path of the profile file to be created.


Calculates difference between two TIN files and creates combined TIN with elevation being the difference of elevations. TINs do not have to match perfectly - face intersections will be performed. Inclusion logic will be applied if needed.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_diff" inclusion_ss exclusion_ss regions_ss filename1 filename2 diff_filename)

inclusion_ss - Selection set containing inclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if inclusion polylines are not being used.
exclusion_ss - Selection set containing exclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if exclusion polylines are not being used.
regions_ss - Selection set containing region polylines if needed. Pass nil if regions are not being used. Regions logic is on/off - crossing region line reverses the inside/outside state. Note: Only one of inside/outside methods can be used for one call (either inclusion/exclusion or regions).
filename1, filename2 - Full path to TIN files to be used. Second TIN is subtracted from first one.
diff_filename - Full path of differential TIN file to be created.


Combines two TINs into one while applying one of the specified operations. First two TINs are combined into one intersecting all faces which need to be intersected and then elevations are assigned as specified.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tin_combine" inclusion_ss exclusion_ss regions_ss filename1 filename2 merged_filename operation)

inclusion_ss - Selection set containing inclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if inclusion polylines are not being used.
exclusion_ss - Selection set containing exclusion polylines if needed. Pass nil if exclusion polylines are not being used.
regions_ss - Selection set containing region polylines if needed. Pass nil if regions are not being used. Regions logic is on/off - crossing region line reverses the inside/outside state. Note: Only one of inside/outside methods can be used for one call (either inclusion/exclusion or regions).
filename1, filename2 - Full path to TIN files to be used.
merged_filename - Full path to the file where results are stored.
operation - Keywords describing the operation to perform. The following operations are supported:
keep - The elevations of first TIN are used.
copy - Elevations of second TIN are used.
min - Lesser of two elevations is used.
max - Greater of two elevations is used.
join - Points inside are given elevations of first TIN, outside - second one.


Evaluates "before" and "after" TIN and stores "affected" area as a region with two revisions "0" and "1". The regions then can be applied as needed using other commands. This functionality only works with binary .TIN files.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_store_regions" filename1 filename2 mark_name filename3)

filename1, filename2 - Full path to TIN files to be used.
mark_name - String label for region to be used.
filename3 - Full path to TIN files to be Save As. If omitted, the file specified by filename1 will be replaced with resulting file.


Applies a specific pre-stored region revision, so that when TIN file is used it has that revision of the region in use.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_apply_region" filename mark_name revision)

filename1 - Full path to TIN file to be  modified.
mark_name - String label for region to be used.
revision - Integer. Optional ID of revision to apply. If omitted, the latest revision of the region is used.


Removes any knowledge of a specific pre-stored region revision from TIN file. Optionally remove triangles found in the region from the TIN.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "tri_forget_region" filename mark_name remove_first)

filename - Full path to TIN file to be  modified.
mark_name - String label for region to be used.
remove_first- 0/1. Optional flag indicating whether region triangles should be removed, leaving a hole in the TIN.


Utilities for dealing with surfaces stored in the drawing.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "surface_util" filename operation)

filename - Full path to TIN file to be modified.
operation - Keywords describing the operation to perform. The following operations are supported:
check - Check if TIN is used in one of the surfaces. Returns 0 or 1 depending on outcome.
process - Apply current surface parameters to TIN file. This function should be used to update surface in the drawing after TIN has been modified.


Loads a TIN into memory for use with the tin_z function.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "load_tin" file_name)

file_name - Full path of file to be loaded.


Unloads the current TIN from memory.

Usage: (cf:dtm_api "unload_tin")


Calculates the elevation of the TIN at the specified x,y location. The TIN to process must be already loaded by the load_tin command. The calculated elevation is returned to LSP on success. A nil is returned to LSP if the command arguments are invalid, a TIN is not loaded or the point is off the surface.

Usage: (setq elev (cf:dtm_api "tin_z" point))

point - List of doubles in x,y format


Calculate TIN Elevation at Point

(scload (strcat lspdir$ "tri4"))
(setq file_name (scad_getfiled "Select TIN to Process" "" "tin" 0))
(cf:dtm_api "load_tin" file_name)
(setq pnt (getpoint "\nPick point:"))
(setq elev (cf:dtm_api "tin_z" pnt))
(cf:dtm_api "unload_tin")